[WoNeCa-5] Virtual Event on 09 October 2020


Best Presentation Awardee Paul Nikolaus
  • Slides of all presentations are starting to become available online

The Workshop

The network calculus has established as a versatile methodology for the queueing analysis of resource sharing based systems. Its prospect is that it can deal with problems that are fundamentally hard for alternative methodologies, based on the fact that it works with bounds rather than striving for exact solutions. The high modeling power of the network calculus has been transposed into several important applications for network engineering problems, traditionally in the Internet’s Quality of Service proposals IntServ and DiffServ, and more recently in diverse environments such as wireless sensor networks, switched Ethernets, or Systems-on-Chip.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers with an interest in the theory of network calculus as well as those who want to apply existing results in new applications. The workshop will serve to promote the network calculus theory to researchers with an interest in applied queueing models for data communication.

Schedule (all times given in Central European Summer Time, UTC+02:00)

08:35-08:45 Opening
08:45-10:25 Session 1: TSN
  Luxi Zhao (TUM): Using Network Calculus to Improve End-to-End Latency Upper Bound of Multiple Classes of AVB Traffic in TSN Networks
  Lisa Maile (FAU): An Introduction to Network Calculus Results for Time-Sensitive Networks [slides] [video]
  Ludovic Thomas (EPFL): On Time Synchronization Issues in Time-Sensitive Networks with Regulators and Nonideal Clocks [slides]
  Jonathan Falk (U Stuttgart): Network Calculus for systems with time-triggered service intermittence
10:25-10:40 Coffee Break
10:40-11:55 Session 2: Bounds and Networks I
  Jiayi Zhang (Huawei): Using Network Calculus in High Quality IP Network [slides]
  Hao Wang (Dalian UT): Data Center Network Calculus
  Anne Bouillard (Huawei): Trade-off between accuracy and tractability of network calculus in FIFO networks [slides]
11:55-13:00 Lunch Break
13:00-14:15 Session 3: Bounds and Networks II
  Ehsan Mohammadpour (EPFL): Improved Delay Bound for a Service Curve Element with Known Transmission Rate
  Raffaele Zippo (uniPi): Algebraic transformations for network paths with hop-by-hop flow control [slides] [video]
  Isaac Howenstine (Lehigh U): Converting Non-feedforward Networks to Feedforward for Network Calculus
14:15-14:25 Coffee Break
14:25-15:15 Session 4: Deterministic Modeling and Analysis
  Georg Carle (TUM): Measurement-based Network Calculus Modelling of Programmable Network Components implemented in P4
  Marc Boyer (ONERA): Formalization of relations between cumulative curves and event streams: from network calculus to CPA, and back [slides] [video, zip download]
15:15-15:20 Short Break
15:20-16:35 Session 5: Schedulers & SNC
  Jörg Liebeherr (U of T): Hierarchical Fair Scheduling: A Reality Check [slides] [video]
  Seyed Mohammadhossein Tabatabaee (EPFL): Interleaved Weighted Round Robin: a tight, strict residual service curve [slides] [video]
  Paul Nikolaus (TUK): Dealing with Dependence in Stochastic Network Calculus -- Using Independence as a Bound [slides]
16:35-16:45 Coffee Break
16:45-18:25 Session 6: SNC & Wireless
  Jaya Prakash Varma Champati (KTH): Statistical Guarantee Optimization for AoI in Single-Hop and Two-Hop Systems with Periodic Arrivals [slides] [video]
  Sami Akin (U Hannover): On the energy and data storage management in energy harvesting wireless communications
  Orangel Azuaje Contreras (U Porto): Delay Guarantees of a Realistic WiFi-based First Responder Ad-Hoc Network
  Florin Ciucu (U Warwick): Two Extensions of Kingman's GI/G/1 Bound [slides]
18:25-18:35 Closing & Best presentation Award

Virtual Event Instructions

We will conduct the virtual event via Zoom. The meeting invitation been sent on October 07. If you have not received the link, please contact Amr (amr.rizk@uni-ulm.de).

While we plan to have live presentations using Zoom's screen sharing feature, we also ask presenters to provide a recording to be played in case of technical problems. All presenters should have received an email by Amr with instructions and the upload link. If you have not received an email, please contact Amr (amr.rizk@uni-ulm.de).

The best presentation will be awarded with a price! Voting will be anonymous and will take place during the closing session.

Workshop Organizers

Steffen Bondorf, Ruhr University Bochum, GER

Amr Rizk, Ulm University, GER

Markus Fidler, Leibniz University Hannover, GER

Jens Schmitt, TU Kaiserslautern, GER

Call for Presentations

The idea is to have an informal meeting with presentations of recent work in the context of network calculus (theory, applications, tool support) and gather as many network calculus experts as possible to discuss about the future development of the theory and its application opportunities. Hence, there are no written papers and everyone can present his/her "hottest" recent research on network calculus.

If you like to present then please send the title of your presentation and
the name of the presenter in an email to

amr.rizk@uni-ulm.de AND

In case of contention, presentations will be selected based on topical coherence.

Important Dates

Submission of presentation title and abstract: December 18, 2019 January 14, 2020 (extended, passed)

Notification of invitation for presentation: January 17, 2020 January 19, 2020 (extended, passed)

Workshop date: March 18, 2020 March 18 and 19, 2020 (extended)


Topics of Interest

The topics of this workshop are related to fundamental aspects as well as applications of network calculus. The following list of topics is non-exclusive:

Deterministic and stochastic network calculus, e.g.

  • traffic and service models
  • general topologies
  • numerical tightness

Relation to other theories, e.g.,

  • queueing theory
  • discrete event dynamic systems
  • optimization

Feedback systems, e.g.,

  • TCP network calculus
  • window flow control
  • retransmission-based systems

Loss systems, e.g.,

  • bounded queues
  • wireless links

Aggregate multiplexing, e.g.,

  • optimization-based approaches
  • efficient algorithms
  • stochastic case

Tool support, e.g.,

  • numerical problems
  • numerical approximations
  • implementation experience

Data transformation, e.g.,

  • end-to-end analysis
  • in-network processing
  • network coding


New applications, e.g.,

  • TSN, DetNet and 5G
  • energy storage
  • tactile internet
  • cache networks
  • real-time calculus


  • avionic networks
  • mission-critical networks
  • the power grid
  • wireless sensor networks
  • cyber-physical systems


[WoNeCa-5] Cancelled physical event in Saarbrücken (collocated with MMB 2020)

Dear network calculus community,

In face of the outbreak of the coronavirus in Europe, we will have to cancel the current WoNeCa workshop dates. Safety and health of our participants is our highest concern. We plan to postpone WoNeCa-5 to safer times, potentially later this year. We are very sorry that we cannot meet as soon as planned and we will keep you up to date.

Please also note announcements of the MMB 2020 conference that intended to host our workshop: MMB 2020.

Best regards,
Amr, Steffen, Markus and Jens


The workshop will integrated into the MMB 2020 conference. Registration details are available here.
Note the early registration deadline: March 01.


Slot for every talk is 25 min = 20min talk + 5min Q&A

Wednesday, March 18

08:30-09:00 Workshop Registration

WoNeCa Keynote by François Baccelli on Interference Networks [Abstract] (Keynote is held together with MMB)

10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-12:35 Session 1: Bounds and Networks
  Anne Bouillard: Stability and performance bounds in cyclic networks
  Isaac Howenstine: Converting Non-feedforward Networks to Feedforward for Network Calculus
  Ehsan Mohammadpour: Improved Delay Bound for a Service Curve Element with Known Transmission Rate
  Raffaele Zippo: Algebraic transformations for network paths with hop-by-hop flow control
  Jiayi Zhang: Using Network Calculus in High Quality IP Network
12:35-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:45 Session 2: TSN
  Luxi Zhao: Using Network Calculus to Improve End-to-End Latency Upper Bound of Multiple Classes of AVB Traffic in TSN Networks
  Lisa Maile: Shaper and Maximum Service Curves for TSN
  Ludovic Thomas: On Cyclic Dependencies and Regulators in Time-Sensitive Networks
  Jonathan Falk: Network Calculus for systems with time-triggered service intermittence
15:45-16:15 Coffee Break
16:15-17:35 Session 3: Stochastic Modeling and Analysis
  Florin Ciucu: Two Extensions of Kingman's GI/G/1 Bound (updated)
  Jaya Prakash Varma Champati: Statistical Guarantee Optimization for AoI in Single-Hop and Two-Hop Systems with Periodic Arrivals
  Paul Kühn: Performance Modeling of Generalized Fork-Join Problems by Task Graph Reductions
19:00 -
open end
WoNeCa Social Event at manin restaurant [www] [map]

Thursday, March 19

09:00-10:45 Session 6: Schedulers & SNC
  Jörg Liebeherr: Hierarchical Fair Scheduling: A Reality Check
  Seyed Mohammadhossein Tabatabaee: Interleaved Weighted Round Robin: a tight, strict residual service curve
  Paul Nikolaus: Dealing with Dependence in Stochastic Network Calculus - Using Independence as a Bound
  Hao Wang: Data Center Network Calculus
10:45-11:15  Coffee Break
11:15-12:05 Deterministic Modeling and Analysis
  Georg Carle: Measurement-based Network Calculus Modelling of Programmable Network Components implemented in P4
  Marc Boyer: Formalization of relations between cumulative curves and event streams: from network calculus to CPA, and back
12:05-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:45 Session 5: Wireless
  Sami Akin: On the energy and data storage management in energy harvesting wireless communications
  Orangel Azuaje Contreras: Delay Guarantees of a Realistic WiFi-based First Responder Ad-Hoc Network
  Qiao Li: Network Calculus based Analysis on Traffic Scheduling at a WAIC Gateway Accessing through Fading Channels
14:45-15:00 Closing Session & Best presentation award

Keynote Abstract

François Baccelli - Interference Networks

This talk features networks of coupled processor sharing queues in the Euclidean space,
where customers arrive according to independent Poisson point processes at every queue,
are served, and then leave the network. The coupling is through service rates.
In any given queue, this rate is inversely proportional the interference seen by this queue,
which is determined by the load in neighboring queues, attenuated by some distance-based path-loss function.

The model is a discrete version of a spatial birth and death process where customers
arrive to the Euclidean space according to Poisson rain and leave it when they
have transferred an exponential file, assuming that the instantaneous rate of each transfer is
determined through information theory by the signal to interference and noise ratio experienced by the user.

The discrete and the continuous models will be discussed, both in finite and infinite domains.
The stability condition is identified. The minimal stationary regime is built
using coupling from the past techniques.

The mean queue size of this minimal stationary regime is determined in closed form using
the rate conservation principle of Palm calculus. Some bounds on the tail of latency
will be discussed.

In infinite domains, when the stability condition holds, for all bounded initial conditions,
there is weak convergence to this minimal stationary regime; however, there exist
initial conditions for which all queue sizes converge to infinity.

Joint work with S. Foss and A. Sankararaman