[332] Anja Hamscher, Vlad-Cristian Constantin, and Jens B Schmitt. Extending network calculus to deal with min-plus service curves in multiple flow scenarios. In 2024 IEEE 30th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS), pages 95--107. IEEE, 2024. [ ]
@inproceedings{HCS24, title={Extending Network Calculus to Deal with Min-Plus Service Curves in Multiple Flow Scenarios},
author={Hamscher, Anja and Constantin, Vlad-Cristian and Schmitt, Jens B},
booktitle={2024 IEEE 30th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS)},
[331] Eric Jedermann, Martin Strohmeier, Vincent Lenders, and Jens Schmitt. Record: A reception-only region determination attack on leo satellite users. 33rd Usenix Security Symposium, 2024. [ .pdf | ]
title={RECORD: A RECeption-Only Region Determination Attack on LEO Satellite Users},
author={Jedermann, Eric and Strohmeier, Martin and Lenders, Vincent and Schmitt, Jens},
journal={33rd Usenix Security Symposium},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/JSLS23.pdf}
[330] Taavi Kippak, Matthias Schäfer, Steve Sõeruer and Erkki Sadrak. Jammer on the horizon: A robust method for gps jammer localization using ads-b data. Proceedings of the 36th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, 2023. [ .pdf | ]
title={Jammer on the Horizon: A Robust Method for GPS Jammer Localization Using ADS-B Data},
author={Matthias Schäfer, Steve Sõeruer, Taavi Kippak and Erkki Sadrak},
journal={Proceedings of the 36th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/jammer_on_the_horizon.pdf}
[329] Raffaele Zippo, Paul Nikolaus, and Giovanni Stea. Isospeed: Improving (min,+) convolution by exploiting (min,+)/(max,+) isomorphism. In 35th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2023). Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum f"ur Informatik, 2023. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
title={Isospeed: Improving (min,+) Convolution by Exploiting (min,+)/(max,+) Isomorphism},
author={Raffaele Zippo and Paul Nikolaus and Giovanni Stea},
booktitle={35th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2023)},
organization={Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum f{"u}r Informatik},
doi = {10.4230/LIPIcs.ECRTS.2023.12},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/ZNS23-2.pdf}
[328] Raffaele Zippo, Paul Nikolaus, and Giovanni Stea. Extending the network calculus algorithmic toolbox for ultimately pseudo-periodic functions: Pseudo-inverse and composition. Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, pages 1--39, 2023. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
doi = {10.1007/s10626-022-00373-5},
title={Extending the network calculus algorithmic toolbox for ultimately pseudo-periodic functions: Pseudo-inverse and composition},
author={Raffaele Zippo and Paul Nikolaus and Giovanni Stea},
journal={Discrete Event Dynamic Systems},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/ZNS23-1.pdf}
[327] Martin Strohmeier, Mauro Leonardi, Sergei Markochev, Fabio Ricciato, Matthias Schäfer, and Vincent Lenders. In pursuit of aviation cybersecurity: Experiences and lessons from a competitive approach. IEEE Security & Privacy, pages 2--14, 2023. [ DOI | ]
author={Strohmeier, Martin and Leonardi, Mauro and Markochev, Sergei and Ricciato, Fabio and Schäfer, Matthias and Lenders, Vincent},
journal={IEEE Security & Privacy},
title={In Pursuit of Aviation Cybersecurity: Experiences and Lessons From a Competitive Approach},
[326] Vlad-Cristian Constantin, Paul Nikolaus, and Jens Schmitt. Original and erratum: Improving performance bounds for weighted round-robin schedulers under constrained cross-traffic, December 2022. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2202.08381},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/CNS22-1_erratum.pdf},
author = {Constantin, Vlad-Cristian and Nikolaus, Paul and Schmitt, Jens},
title = {Original and Erratum: Improving Performance Bounds for Weighted Round-Robin Schedulers under Constrained Cross-Traffic},
publisher = {arXiv},
month = {December},
year = {2022}
[325] Alexander Scheffler, Steffen Bondorf, and Jens B. Schmitt. Short paper: Analyzing fifo-multiplexing tandems with network calculus and a tailored grid search. In the 34th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 2022), September 2022. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Alexander Scheffler and Steffen Bondorf and Jens B. Schmitt},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SBS22-1.pdf},
title = {Short Paper: Analyzing FIFO-Multiplexing Tandems with Network Calculus and a Tailored Grid Search},
booktitle = {the 34th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 2022)},
year = {2022},
month = {September},
[324] Alexander Scheffler, Jens B. Schmitt, and Steffen Bondorf. Searching for upper delay bounds in FIFO multiplexing feedforward networks. In the 30th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2022), June 2022. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
author = {Alexander Scheffler and Jens B. Schmitt and Steffen Bondorf},
title = {Searching for Upper Delay Bounds in {FIFO} Multiplexing Feedforward Networks},
booktitle = {the 30th International Conference on Real-Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2022)},
year = {2022},
month = Jun,
doi = {10.1145/3534879.3534894},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SSB22-1.pdf}
[323] Vlad-Cristian Constantin, Paul Nikolaus, and Jens Schmitt. Improving performance bounds for weighted round-robin schedulers under constrained cross-traffic. In Proc. IFIP Networking 2022 Conference (NETWORKING'22), Catania, Italy, June 2022. IEEE. ISBN 978-3-903176-48-5. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
author = {Vlad-Cristian Constantin and Paul Nikolaus and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Improving Performance Bounds for Weighted Round-Robin Schedulers under Constrained Cross-Traffic},
booktitle = {Proc. {IFIP} Networking 2022 Conference (NETWORKING'22)},
address = {Catania, Italy},
year = {2022},
month = jun,
publisher = {{IEEE}},
note = {ISBN 978-3-903176-48-5},
doi = {10.23919/IFIPNetworking55013.2022.9829772},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/CNS22-1.pdf}
[322] Anne Bouillard, Paul Nikolaus, and Jens Schmitt. Unleashing the power of paying multiplexing only once in stochastic network calculus. In Abstract Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGMETRICS/IFIP PERFORMANCE Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (SIGMETRICS/PERFORMANCE '22 Abstracts), pages 117--118, June 2022. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
doi = {10.1145/3489048.3530964},
author = {Anne Bouillard and Paul Nikolaus and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Unleashing the Power of Paying Multiplexing Only Once in Stochastic Network Calculus},
booktitle = {Abstract Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGMETRICS/IFIP PERFORMANCE Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (SIGMETRICS/PERFORMANCE '22 Abstracts)},
pages = {117--118},
year = {2022},
month = jun,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BNS22-1-ea.pdf}
[321] Junzi Sun, Luis Basora, Xavier Olive, Martin Strohmeier, Matthias Schäfer, Ivan Martinovic, and Vincent Lenders. Opensky report 2022: Evaluating aviation emissions using crowdsourced open flight data. In 2022 IEEE/AIAA 41st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), pages 1--8, 2022. [ DOI | ]
author={Sun, Junzi and Basora, Luis and Olive, Xavier and Strohmeier, Martin and Schäfer, Matthias and Martinovic, Ivan and Lenders, Vincent},
booktitle={2022 IEEE/AIAA 41st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC)},
title={OpenSky Report 2022: Evaluating Aviation Emissions Using Crowdsourced Open Flight Data},
[320] Martin Strohmeier, Mauro Leonardi, Sergei Markochev, Fabio Ricciato, Matthias Schäfer, and Vincent Lenders. Improving aircraft localization: Experiences and lessons learned from an open competition, 2022. [ ]
title={Improving Aircraft Localization: Experiences and Lessons Learned from an Open Competition},
author={Martin Strohmeier and Mauro Leonardi and Sergei Markochev and Fabio Ricciato and Matthias Schäfer and Vincent Lenders},
[319] Paul Nikolaus. Dealing with Dependence in the End-to-End Performance Analysis in Stochastic Network Calculus. PhD thesis, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, 2022. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
author = {Paul Nikolaus},
title = {Dealing with Dependence in the End-to-End Performance Analysis in Stochastic Network Calculus},
pages = {XV, 156},
school = {Technische Universität Kaiserslautern},
doi = {10.26204/KLUEDO/6909},
year = {2022},
url = {https://kluedo.ub.uni-kl.de/frontdoor/deliver/index/docId/6909/file/_Dissertation_Paul_Nikolaus_kluedo.pdf}
[318] Anne Bouillard, Paul Nikolaus, and Jens Schmitt. Unleashing the power of paying multiplexing only once in stochastic network calculus. Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS), 6(2):1--27, 2022. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
doi = {10.1145/3530897},
author = {Anne Bouillard and Paul Nikolaus and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Unleashing the Power of Paying Multiplexing Only Once in Stochastic Network Calculus},
journal = {Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS)},
pages = {1--27},
publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA},
url = {/downloads/publicationfiles/BNS22-1.pdf}
[317] Junzi Sun, Xavier Olive, Martin Strohmeier, Matthias Schäfer, Ivan Martinovic, and Vincent Lenders. Opensky report 2021: Insights on ads-b mandate and fleet deployment in times of crisis. In 2021 AIAA/IEEE 39th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2021. [ ]
author={Junzi Sun and Xavier Olive and Martin Strohmeier and Matthias Schäfer and Ivan Martinovic and Vincent Lenders},
booktitle={2021 AIAA/IEEE 39th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC)},
title={OpenSky Report 2021: Insights on ADS-B Mandate and Fleet Deployment in Times of Crisis},
[316] Matthias Schäfer, Martin Strohmeier, Mauro Leonardi, and Vincent Lenders. Locards: A localization reference data set. Sensors, 21(16), 2021. [ http | ]
AUTHOR = {Schäfer, Matthias and Strohmeier, Martin and Leonardi, Mauro and Lenders, Vincent},
TITLE = {LocaRDS: A Localization Reference Data Set},
JOURNAL = {Sensors},
VOLUME = {21},
YEAR = {2021},
NUMBER = {16},
URL = {https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/21/16/5516}
[315] Martin Strohmeier, Xavier Olive, Jannis Lübbe, Matthias Schäfer, and Vincent Lenders. Crowdsourced air traffic data from the opensky network 2019--2020. Earth System Science Data, 13(2):357--366, 2021. [ DOI | http | ]
AUTHOR = {Strohmeier, Martin and Olive, Xavier and Lübbe, Jannis and Schäfer, Matthias and Lenders, Vincent},
TITLE = {Crowdsourced air traffic data from the OpenSky Network 2019--2020},
JOURNAL = {Earth System Science Data},
VOLUME = {13},
YEAR = {2021},
NUMBER = {2},
PAGES = {357--366},
URL = {https://essd.copernicus.org/articles/13/357/2021/},
DOI = {10.5194/essd-13-357-2021}
[314] Anne Bouillard, Paul Nikolaus, and Jens Schmitt. Unleashing the power of paying multiplexing only once in stochastic network calculus. Technical report, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2021. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2104.14215},
author = {Bouillard, Anne and Nikolaus, Paul and Schmitt, Jens},
title = {Unleashing the Power of Paying Multiplexing Only Once in Stochastic Network Calculus},
institution = {TU Kaiserslautern, Germany},
year = {2021},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BNS21-1_TR.pdf}
[313] Eric Jedermann, Martin Strohmeier, Matthias Schäfer, Jens Schmitt, and Vincent Lenders. Orbit-based authentication using tdoa signatures in satellite networks. In Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec '21). ACM, 2021. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
author={Eric Jedermann and Martin Strohmeier and Matthias Schäfer and Jens Schmitt and Vincent Lenders},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 14th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec '21)},
title={Orbit-based Authentication Using TDOA Signatures in Satellite Networks},
organization = {ACM},
location = {Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates},
date = {June 28-- July 2, 2021},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/JSSSL21.pdf}
[312] Bruno Cattelan, Steffen Bondorf, and Alberto E. Schaeffer-Filho. An empirical study of tightest network calculus analyses for networks with multicast flows. In the 44th IEEE Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2020), July 2020. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Bruno Cattelan and Steffen Bondorf and Alberto E. Schaeffer-Filho},
title = {An Empirical Study of Tightest Network Calculus Analyses for Networks with Multicast Flows},
booktitle = {the 44th IEEE Conference on Computers, Software, and Applications (COMPSAC 2020)},
year = {2020},
month = {July},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/CBS20.pdf}
[311] Bruno Cattelan and Steffen Bondorf. On delay bounds and measurements: A COTS testbed for network performance experimentation. In the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Architecture, Design, Deployment & Management of Networks & Applications (ADMNET 2020), July 2020. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Bruno Cattelan and Steffen Bondorf},
title = {On Delay Bounds and Measurements: A {COTS} Testbed for Network Performance Experimentation},
booktitle = {the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Architecture, Design, Deployment & Management of Networks & Applications (ADMNET 2020)},
year = {2020},
month = {July},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/CB20.pdf}
[310] Paul Nikolaus and Jens Schmitt. Improving Delay Bounds in the Stochastic Network Calculus by Using less Stochastic Inequalities. In Proc. 13th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2020), Tsukuba, Japan, May 2020. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
author = {Paul Nikolaus and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Improving Delay Bounds in the Stochastic Network Calculus by Using less Stochastic Inequalities}},
booktitle = {Proc. 13th EAI International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2020)},
address = {Tsukuba, Japan},
year = {2020},
month = may,
doi = {10.1145/3388831.3388848},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/NS20-2.pdf}
[309] Xavier Olive, Axel Tanner, Martin Strohmeier, Matthias Schäfer, Metin Feridun, Allan Tart, Ivan Martinovic, and Vincent Lenders. Opensky report 2020: Analysing in-flight emergencies using big data. In 2020 AIAA/IEEE 39th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2020. [ DOI | ]
author={Xavier {Olive} and Axel {Tanner} and Martin {Strohmeier} and Matthias {Schäfer} and Metin {Feridun} and Allan {Tart} and Ivan {Martinovic} and Vincent {Lenders}},
booktitle={2020 AIAA/IEEE 39th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC)},
title={OpenSky Report 2020: Analysing in-flight emergencies using big data},
[308] Martin Strohmeier, Xavier Olive, Jannis Lübbe, Matthias Schäfer, and Vincent Lenders. Crowdsourced air traffic data from the opensky network 2019--20. Earth System Science Data Discussions, 2020, 2020. [ DOI | http | ]
AUTHOR = {Strohmeier, Martin and Olive, Xavier and Lübbe, Jannis and Schäfer, Matthias and Lenders, Vincent},
TITLE = {Crowdsourced Air Traffic Data from the OpenSky Network 2019--20},
JOURNAL = {Earth System Science Data Discussions},
VOLUME = {2020},
YEAR = {2020},
URL = {https://essd.copernicus.org/preprints/essd-2020-223/},
DOI = {10.5194/essd-2020-223}
[307] Brecht Reynders, Franco Minucci, Erma Perenda, Hazem Sallouha, Roberto Calvo-Palomino, Yago Lizarribar, Markus Fuchs, Matthias Schäfer, Markus Engel, Bertold Van den Bergh, Sofie Pollin, Domenico Giustiniano, G'er^ome Bovet, and Vincent Lenders. Skysense: Terrestrial and aerial spectrum use analysed using lightweight sensing technology with weather balloons. In Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services, MobiSys '20. Association for Computing Machinery, 2020. [ http | ]
author = {Reynders, Brecht and Minucci, Franco and Perenda, Erma and Sallouha, Hazem and Calvo-Palomino, Roberto and Lizarribar, Yago and Fuchs, Markus and Schäfer, Matthias and Engel, Markus and Van den Bergh, Bertold and Pollin, Sofie and Giustiniano, Domenico and Bovet, G'{e}r^{o}me and Lenders, Vincent},
title = {SkySense: Terrestrial and Aerial Spectrum Use Analysed Using Lightweight Sensing Technology with Weather Balloons},
year = {2020},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3386901.3389026},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services},
series = {MobiSys '20}
[306] Roberto Calvo-Palomino, Héctor Cordobés, Markus Engel, Markus Fuchs, Pratiksha Jain, Marc Liechti, Sreeraj Rajendran, Matthias Schäfer, Bertold Van den Bergh, Sofie Pollin, Domenico Giustiniano, and Vincent Lenders. Electrosense+: Crowdsourcing radio spectrum decoding using iot receivers. Computer Networks, page 107231, 2020. [ http | ]
title = "Electrosense+: Crowdsourcing Radio Spectrum Decoding using IoT Receivers",
journal = "Computer Networks",
pages = "107231",
year = "2020",
url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1389128619314471",
author = "Roberto Calvo-Palomino and Héctor Cordobés and Markus Engel and Markus Fuchs and Pratiksha Jain and Marc Liechti and Sreeraj Rajendran and Matthias Schäfer and Bertold Van den Bergh and Sofie Pollin and Domenico Giustiniano and Vincent Lenders"
[305] Paul Nikolaus and Jens Schmitt. On the stochastic end-to-end delay analysis in sink trees under independent and dependent arrivals. In Proc. Conference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems (MMB'20). Springer, 2020. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
author = {Paul Nikolaus and Jens Schmitt},
title = {On the Stochastic End-to-End Delay Analysis in Sink Trees Under Independent and Dependent Arrivals},
booktitle = {Proc. Conference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems (MMB'20)},
year = {2020},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-43024-5_9},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/NS20-1.pdf}
[304] Matthias Schäfer, Roberto Calvo-Palomino, Franco Minucci, Brecht Reynders, Gérôme Bovet, and Vincent Lenders. Higher than a kite: Ads-b communication analysis using a high-altitude balloons. In 7th OpenSky Workshop, Zurich, Switzerland, November 2019. [ .pdf | ]
author={Matthias Schäfer and Roberto Calvo-Palomino and Franco Minucci and Brecht Reynders and Gérôme Bovet and Vincent Lenders},
booktitle={7th OpenSky Workshop},
title={Higher than a kite: ADS-B communication analysis using a high-altitude balloons},
address = {Zurich, Switzerland},
[303] Paul Nikolaus, Jens Schmitt, and Florin Ciucu. Dealing with dependence in stochastic network calculus -- using independence as a bound. In Proc. International Conference on Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications (ASMTA'19), Moscow, Russia, October 2019. Springer. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
author = {Paul Nikolaus and Jens Schmitt and Florin Ciucu},
title = {Dealing with Dependence in Stochastic Network Calculus -- Using Independence as a Bound},
booktitle = {Proc. International Conference on Analytical and Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Applications (ASMTA'19)},
address = {Moscow, Russia},
year = {2019},
month = oct,
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-62885-7_6},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/NSC19-1.pdf}
[302] Martin Strohmeier, Daniel Moser, Matthias Schäfer, Vincent Lenders, and Ivan Martinovic. On the applicability of satellite-based air traffic control communication for security. IEEE Communications Magazine, 57(9), September 2019. [ .pdf | ]
author={Martin Strohmeier and Daniel Moser and Matthias Schäfer and Vincent Lenders and Ivan Martinovic},
journal={IEEE Communications Magazine},
title={On the Applicability of Satellite-based Air Traffic Control Communication for Security},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/satellite_security.pdf}
[301] Matthias Schäfer, Carolina Nogueira, Jens Schmitt, and Vincent Lenders. Secure location verification: Why you want your verifiers to be mobile. In International Workshop on Attacks and Defenses for Internet-of-Things (ADIoT) 2019, co-located with ESORICS, September 2019. [ .pdf | ]
author={Matthias Schäfer and Carolina Nogueira and Jens Schmitt and Vincent Lenders},
booktitle={International Workshop on Attacks and Defenses for Internet-of-Things (ADIoT) 2019, co-located with ESORICS},
title={Secure Location Verification: Why You Want Your Verifiers to be Mobile},
[300] Matthias Schäfer, Xavier Olive, Martin Strohmeier, Matthew Smith, Vincent Lenders, and Ivan Martinovic. Opensky report 2019: Analysing tcas in the real world using big data. In IEEE/AIAA 38th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), September 2019. [ .pdf | ]
title = "OpenSky Report 2019: Analysing TCAS in the Real World using Big Data",
author = "Matthias Schäfer and Xavier Olive and Martin Strohmeier and Matthew Smith and Vincent Lenders and Ivan Martinovic",
year = 2019,
booktitle = "IEEE/AIAA 38th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC)",
month = sep,
[299] Paul Nikolaus, Jens Schmitt, and Malte Schütze. h-mitigators: Improving your stochastic network calculus output bounds. Computer Communications, 144:188--197, August 2019. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
year = {2019},
month = aug,
publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},
volume = {144},
pages = {188--197},
author = {Paul Nikolaus and Jens Schmitt and Malte Schütze},
title = {h-Mitigators: Improving your stochastic network calculus output bounds},
journal = {Computer Communications},
doi = {10.1016/j.comcom.2019.05.016},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/NSS19-1.pdf}
[298] Matthias Schäfer, Markus Fuchs, Martin Strohmeier, Markus Engel, Marc Liechti, and Vincent Lenders. Blackwidow: Monitoring the dark web for cyber security information. In 11th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon), volume 900, pages 1--21, May 2019. [ .pdf | ]
author={Matthias {Schäfer} and Markus {Fuchs} and Martin {Strohmeier} and Markus {Engel} and Marc {Liechti} and Vincent {Lenders}},
booktitle={11th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon)},
title={BlackWidow: Monitoring the Dark Web for Cyber Security Information},
url = {https://ccdcoe.org/uploads/2019/06/ART_27_BlackWidow.pdf}
[297] Paul Nikolaus, Jens B. Schmitt, and Florin Ciucu. Dealing with dependence in stochastic network calculus -- using independence as a bound. Technical report, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany, May 2019. [ .pdf | ]
title = {Dealing with Dependence in Stochastic Network Calculus -- Using Independence as a Bound},
author = {Paul Nikolaus and Jens B. Schmitt and Florin Ciucu},
institution = {TU Kaiserslautern, Germany},
year = {2019},
month = may,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/NSC19-1_TR.pdf}
[296] Fabien Geyer and Steffen Bondorf. DeepTMA: Predicting effective contention models for network calculus using graph neural networks. In Proceedings of the 38th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2019), April 2019. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Fabien Geyer and Steffen Bondorf},
title = {{DeepTMA}: Predicting Effective Contention Models for Network Calculus using Graph Neural Networks},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 38th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2019)},
year = {2019},
month = apr,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/GB19.pdf}
[295] Steffen Bondorf and Fabien Geyer. Deterministic Network Calculus Analysis of Multicast Flows. EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing. Springer International Publishing, 2019. [ DOI | http | ]
author = {Steffen Bondorf and Fabien Geyer},
title = {Deterministic Network Calculus Analysis of Multicast Flows},
editor = {Antonio Puliafito and Kishor S. Trivedi},
booktitle = {Systems Modeling: Methodologies and Tools},
series = {EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
year = 2019,
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-92378-9_5},
url = {https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-92378-9_5},
[294] Matthias Schäfer. Mobility Improves the Security of Location Awareness in Wireless Networks. PhD thesis, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany, October 2018. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Matthias Schäfer},
title = {Mobility Improves the Security of Location Awareness in Wireless Networks},
year = {2018},
school = {Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany},
month = oct,
url = {https://kluedo.ub.uni-kl.de/frontdoor/deliver/index/docId/5400/file/_thesis_published.pdf}
[293] Matthias Schäfer, Martin Strohmeier, Matthew Smith, Markus Fuchs, Vincent Lenders, and Ivan Martinovic. Opensky report 2018: Assessing the integrity of crowdsourced mode s and ads-b data. In Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2018 IEEE/AIAA 37th, September 2018. [ .pdf | ]
title = "OpenSky Report 2018: Assessing the Integrity of Crowdsourced Mode S and ADS-B Data",
author = "Matthias Schäfer and Martin Strohmeier and Matthew Smith and Markus Fuchs and Vincent Lenders and Ivan Martinovic",
year = 2018,
booktitle = "Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2018 IEEE/AIAA 37th",
month = Sep,
url = "http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/files/10105/OpenSky%20Report%202018.pdf"
[292] Alexander Scheffler, Markus Fögen, and Steffen Bondorf. The deterministic network calculus analysis: Reliability insights and performance improvements. In Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD 2018), September 2018. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
doi = {10.1109/camad.2018.8514938},
author = {Scheffler, Alexander and Fögen, Markus and Bondorf, Steffen},
title = {The Deterministic Network Calculus Analysis: Reliability Insights and Performance Improvements},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD 2018)},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SFB18.pdf},
[291] Alexander Scheffler, Steffen Bondorf, and Jens B. Schmitt. Worst-case performance analysis with the disco deterministic network calculator. In Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD 2018), September 2018. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Scheffler, Alexander and Bondorf, Steffen and Schmitt, Jens B.},
title = {Worst-Case Performance Analysis with the Disco Deterministic Network Calculator},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD 2018)},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SBS18.pdf}
[290] Paul Nikolaus, Sebastian Henningsen, Michael A. Beck, and Jens Schmitt. Integrating Fractional Brownian Motion Arrivals into the Statistical Network Calculus. In 2018 30th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 30), volume 2, pages 37--42, Vienna, Austria, September 2018. IEEE. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
author = {Paul Nikolaus and Sebastian Henningsen and Michael A. Beck and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Integrating Fractional Brownian Motion Arrivals into the Statistical Network Calculus}},
booktitle={2018 30th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 30)},
address = {Vienna, Austria},
year = {2018},
month = sep,
publisher = {{IEEE}},
doi = {10.1109/itc30.2018.10059},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/NHBS18-1.pdf}
[289] Steffen Bondorf, Binbin Chen, Jonathan Scarlett, Haifeng Yu, and Yuda Zhao. Cross-sender bit-mixing coding. CoRR, abs/1807.04449, July 2018. [ arXiv | http | ]
author = {Bondorf, Steffen and Chen, Binbin and Scarlett, Jonathan and Yu, Haifeng and Zhao, Yuda},
title = {Cross-Sender Bit-Mixing Coding},
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/1807.04449},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
eprint = {1807.04449},
primaryClass = "cs.IT",
year = 2018,
month = jul,
url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1807.04449}
[288] Martin Strohmeier, Matt Smith, Daniel Moser, Matthias Schäfer, Vincent Lenders, and Ivan Martinovic. Utilizing air traffic communications for osint on state and government aircraft. In 10th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon), pages 299--320, May 2018. [ .pdf | ]
author={Martin Strohmeier and Matt Smith and Daniel Moser and Matthias Schäfer and Vincent Lenders and Ivan Martinovic},
booktitle={10th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon)},
title={Utilizing air traffic communications for OSINT on state and government aircraft},
[287] Paul Nikolaus and Jens Schmitt. Improving Output Bounds in the Stochastic Network Calculus Using Lyapunov's Inequality. In Proc. IFIP Networking 2018 Conference (NETWORKING'18), Zurich, Switzerland, May 2018. IEEE. ISBN 978-3-903176-08-9. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
author = {Paul Nikolaus and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Improving Output Bounds in the Stochastic Network Calculus Using Lyapunov's Inequality}},
booktitle = {Proc. {IFIP} Networking 2018 Conference (NETWORKING'18)},
address = {Zurich, Switzerland},
year = {2018},
month = may,
publisher = {{IEEE}},
note = {ISBN 978-3-903176-08-9},
doi = {10.23919/ifipnetworking.2018.8696709},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/NS18-1.pdf}
[286] Kai Jansen, Matthias Schäfer, Daniel Moser, Vincent Lenders, Christina Pöpper, and Jens Schmitt. Crowd-GPS-Sec: Leveraging Crowdsourcing to Detect and Localize GPS Spoofing Attacks. In IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P '18), San Jose, CA, USA, May 2018. [ .pdf | ]
author = "Kai Jansen and Matthias Schäfer and Daniel Moser and Vincent Lenders and Christina Pöpper and Jens Schmitt",
title = "{Crowd-GPS-Sec: Leveraging Crowdsourcing to Detect and Localize GPS Spoofing Attacks}",
booktitle = "IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P '18)",
year = 2018,
address = "San Jose, CA, USA",
month = "May",
url = "https://csdl.computer.org/csdl/proceedings/sp/2018/4353/00/435301a189.pdf"
[285] Roman Trüb and Daniel Moser and Matthias Schäfer and Rui Pinheiro and Vincent Lenders. Monitoring Meteorological Parameters With Crowdsourced Air Traffic Control Data. In 17th ACM/IEEE Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '18), Porto, Portugal, April 2018. [ .pdf | ]
author = {{Roman Trüb and Daniel Moser and Matthias Schäfer and Rui Pinheiro and Vincent Lenders}},
title = "{Monitoring Meteorological Parameters With Crowdsourced Air Traffic Control Data}",
booktitle = "{17th ACM/IEEE Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '18)}",
year = 2018,
address = "Porto, Portugal",
month = "April",
[284] Martin Strohmeier, Anna K. Niedbala, Matthias Schäfer, Vincent, Lenders, and Ivan Martinovic. Surveying aviation professionals on the security of the air traffic control system. In International Workshop on Cyber Security for Intelligent Transportation Systems (CSITS), 2018. [ .pdf | ]
title={Surveying Aviation Professionals on the Security of the Air Traffic Control System},
author={Martin Strohmeier and Anna K. Niedbala and Matthias Schäfer and Vincent and Lenders and Ivan Martinovic},
booktitle={International Workshop on Cyber Security for Intelligent Transportation Systems (CSITS)},
[283] Steffen Bondorf, Paul Nikolaus, and Jens B. Schmitt. Catching Corner Cases in Network Calculus -- Flow Segregation Can Improve Accuracy. In Proceedings of 19th International GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems (MMB), 2018. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
Author = {Steffen Bondorf and Paul Nikolaus and Jens B. Schmitt},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of 19th International GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems (MMB)},
Title = {{Catching Corner Cases in Network Calculus -- Flow Segregation Can Improve Accuracy}},
Year = {2018},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-74947-1_15},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BNS18.pdf}
[282] Matthias Schäfer, Martin Strohmeier, Matthew Smith, Markus Fuchs, Vincent Lenders, Marc Liechti, and Ivan Martinovic. Opensky report 2017: Mode s and ads-b usage of military and other state aircraft. In IEEE/AIAA 36th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), September 2017. [ .pdf | ]
title = {OpenSky Report 2017: Mode S and ADS-B Usage of Military and other State Aircraft},
author = {Schäfer, Matthias and Strohmeier, Martin and Smith, Matthew and Fuchs, Markus and Lenders, Vincent and Liechti, Marc and Martinovic, Ivan},
year = {2017},
booktitle = {IEEE/AIAA 36th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC)},
month = sep,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/dasc17_schaefer.pdf}
[281] Bruno Cattelan and Steffen Bondorf. Iterative design space exploration for networks requiring performance guarantees. In IEEE/AIAA 36th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC 2017), September 2017. [ .pdf | ]
title = "Iterative Design Space Exploration for Networks Requiring Performance Guarantees",
author = "Bruno Cattelan and Steffen Bondorf",
year = 2017,
month = sep,
booktitle = "IEEE/AIAA 36th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC 2017)",
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/CB17.pdf}
[280] Paul Nikolaus and Jens Schmitt. On Per-Flow Delay Bounds in Tandem Queues under (In)Dependent Arrivals. In Proceedings of 16th IFIP Networking 2017 Conference (NETWORKING'17), Stockholm, Sweden, June 2017. IEEE. ISBN 978-3-901882-94-4. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
author = {Paul Nikolaus and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{On Per-Flow Delay Bounds in Tandem Queues under (In)Dependent Arrivals}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 16th IFIP Networking 2017 Conference (NETWORKING'17)},
address = {Stockholm, Sweden},
year = {2017},
month = jun,
publisher = {{IEEE}},
note = {ISBN 978-3-901882-94-4},
doi = {10.23919/ifipnetworking.2017.8264856},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/NS17-1.pdf}
[279] Philipp Schon and Steffen Bondorf. Towards unified tool support for real-time calculus & deterministic network calculus. In Proceedings of the 29th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2017), Work-in-Progress Session, June 2017. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Philipp Schon and Steffen Bondorf},
title = {Towards Unified Tool Support for Real-time Calculus & Deterministic Network Calculus},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 29th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS 2017), Work-in-Progress Session},
year = {2017},
month = jun,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SB17.pdf}
[278] Steffen Bondorf, Paul Nikolaus, and Jens B. Schmitt. Quality and cost of deterministic network calculus – design and evaluation of an accurate and fast analysis. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (SIGMETRICS 2017), June 2017. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
doi = {10.1145/3143314.3078594},
author = {Steffen Bondorf and Paul Nikolaus and Jens B. Schmitt},
title = {Quality and Cost of Deterministic Network Calculus - Design and Evaluation of an Accurate and Fast Analysis},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (SIGMETRICS 2017)},
pages = {},
year = {2017},
month = jun,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BNS17.pdf}
[277] Martin Strohmeier, Matthias Schäfer, Rui Pinheiro, Vincent Lenders, and Ivan Martinovic. On perception and reality in wireless air traffic communication security. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18(6):1338--1357, June 2017. [ .pdf | ]
author={Martin Strohmeier and Matthias Schäfer and Rui Pinheiro and Vincent Lenders and Ivan Martinovic},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems},
title={On Perception and Reality in Wireless Air Traffic Communication Security},
[276] Martin Strohmeier, Matt Smith, Matthias Schäfer, Vincent Lenders, and Ivan Martinovic. Crowdsourcing Security for Wireless Air Traffic Communications. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon), May 2017. [ .pdf | ]
title={{Crowdsourcing Security for Wireless Air Traffic Communications}},
author={Martin Strohmeier and Matt Smith and Matthias Schäfer and Vincent Lenders and Ivan Martinovic},
booktitle={{Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon)}},
[275] Steffen Bondorf. Better bounds by worse assumptions - improving network calculus accuracy by adding pessimism to the network model. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2017), May 2017. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Steffen Bondorf},
title = {Better Bounds by Worse Assumptions - Improving Network Calculus Accuracy by Adding Pessimism to the Network Model},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2017)},
year = {2017},
month = may,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/B17.pdf}
[274] Kai Lampka, Steffen Bondorf, Jens B. Schmitt, Nan Guan, and Wang Yi. Generalized finitary Real-Time calculus. In Proceedings of the 36th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2017), May 2017. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Kai Lampka and Steffen Bondorf and Jens B. Schmitt and Nan Guan and Wang Yi},
title = {Generalized Finitary {Real-Time} Calculus},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 36th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2017)},
year = {2017},
month = may,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/LBSGY17.pdf}
[273] Daniel S Berger, Ramesh Sitaraman, and Mor Harchol-Balter. Adaptsize: Orchestrating the hot object memory cache in a cdn. In USENIX NSDI, March 2017. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Berger, Daniel S and Sitaraman, Ramesh and Harchol-Balter, Mor},
title = {AdaptSize: Orchestrating the Hot Object Memory Cache in a CDN},
booktitle = {USENIX NSDI},
year = {2017},
month = mar,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BHS17.pdf}
[272] Jens Schmitt, Steffen Bondorf, and Wint Yi Poe. The sensor network calculus as key to the design of wireless sensor networks with predictable performance. Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks, 6(3), 2017. [ DOI | http | ]
Author = {Schmitt, Jens and Bondorf, Steffen and Poe, Wint Yi},
TITLE = {The Sensor Network Calculus as Key to the Design of Wireless Sensor Networks with Predictable Performance},
JOURNAL = {Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks},
VOLUME = {6},
YEAR = {2017},
NUMBER = {3},
URL = {http://www.mdpi.com/2224-2708/6/3/21},
ISSN = {2224-2708},
DOI = {10.3390/jsan6030021},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SBP17.pdf}
[271] Malte Schütze, Steffen Bondorf, and Mathias Kreider. Verification of the FAIR Control System using Deterministic Network Calculus. In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS 2017), 2017. [ .pdf | ]
Author = {Malte Schütze and Steffen Bondorf and Mathias Kreider},
Booktitle = {Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS 2017)},
Title = {{Verification of the FAIR Control System using Deterministic Network Calculus}},
Year = {2017},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SBK17.pdf}
[270] Kai Jansen, Matthias Schäfer, Vincent Lenders, Christina Pöpper, and Jens Schmitt. POSTER: Localization of Spoofing Devices Using a Large-scale Air Traffic Surveillance System. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS, 2017. [ | ]
author = {Jansen, Kai and Schäfer, Matthias and Lenders, Vincent and Pöpper, Christina and Schmitt, Jens},
title = {{POSTER: Localization of Spoofing Devices Using a Large-scale Air Traffic Surveillance System}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS)},
year = {2017}
[269] Steffen Bondorf, Paul Nikolaus, and Jens B. Schmitt. Quality and cost of deterministic network calculus - design and evaluation of an accurate and fast analysis. Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS), 1(1):34, 2017. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
doi = {10.1145/3084453},
author = {Steffen Bondorf and Paul Nikolaus and Jens B. Schmitt},
title = {Quality and Cost of Deterministic Network Calculus - Design and Evaluation of an Accurate and Fast Analysis},
journal = {Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems (POMACS)},
pages = {34},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BNS17-1.pdf}
[268] Michael Beck. Stochastic worst case analysis of window flow controlled systems. In IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2016), December 2016. [ | ]
author = {Michael Beck},
title = {Stochastic Worst Case Analysis of Window Flow Controlled Systems},
booktitle = {IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2016)},
year = {2016},
month = dec,
[267] Hao Wang and Jens B. Schmitt. Load balancing - towards balanced delay guarantees in NFV/SDN. In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN '16), November 2016. [ DOI | ]
doi = {10.1109/nfv-sdn.2016.7919504},
author = {Hao Wang and Jens B. Schmitt},
title = {Load Balancing - Towards Balanced Delay Guarantees in {NFV/SDN}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software
Defined Networks (NFV-SDN '16)},
year = {2016},
month = nov
[266] Michael A. Beck and Jens B. Schmitt. Generalizing window flow control in bivariate network calculus to enable leftover service in the loop. Special Issue Performance Evaluation, November 2016. [ DOI | ]
doi = {10.1016/j.peva.2017.04.008},
author = {Michael A. Beck and Jens B. Schmitt},
title = {Generalizing Window Flow Control in Bivariate Network Calculus to Enable Leftover Service in the Loop},
journal = {Special Issue Performance Evaluation},
year = {2016},
month = nov
[265] Steffen Bondorf and Fabien Geyer. Generalizing network calculus analysis to derive performance guarantees for multicast flows. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2016), October 2016. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Steffen Bondorf and Fabien Geyer},
title = {Generalizing Network Calculus Analysis to Derive Performance Guarantees for Multicast Flows},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2016)},
year = {2016},
month = oct,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BG16.pdf}
[264] Michael A. Beck and Jens B. Schmitt. Generalizing window flow control in bivariate network calculus to enable leftover service in the loop. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2016), October 2016. [ DOI | ]
doi = {10.4108/eai.25-10-2016.2266470},
author = {Michael A. Beck and Jens B. Schmitt},
title = {Generalizing Window Flow Control in Bivariate Network Calculus to Enable Leftover Service in the Loop},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2016)},
year = {2016},
month = oct
[263] Kai Lampka, Steffen Bondorf, and Jens B. Schmitt. Achieving efficiency without sacrificing model accuracy: Network calculus on compact domains. In Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS 2016), September 2016. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Kai Lampka and Steffen Bondorf and Jens B. Schmitt},
title = {Achieving Efficiency without Sacrificing Model Accuracy: Network Calculus on Compact Domains},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS 2016)},
year = {2016},
month = Sep,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/LBS16.pdf}
[262] Florin Ciucu, Felix Poloczek, and Jens Schmitt. Stochastic upper and lower bounds for general markov fluids. In Proceedings of the 28th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 28). IEEE, September 2016. [ .pdf | ]
title={Stochastic Upper and Lower Bounds for General Markov Fluids},
author={Florin Ciucu and Felix Poloczek and Jens Schmitt},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 28th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 28)},
month = Sep,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/CPS16.pdf}
[261] M. Karsten, D. S. Berger, and J. Schmitt. Traffic-driven implicit buffer management - delay differentiation without traffic contracts. In Proceedings of the 28th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 28), September 2016. [ .pdf | ]
author = {M. Karsten and D. S. Berger and J. Schmitt},
title = {Traffic-Driven Implicit Buffer Management - Delay Differentiation Without Traffic Contracts},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 28)},
year = {2016},
month = Sep,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/KBS16.pdf}
[260] T. Zhu, D. S. Berger, and M. Harchol-Balter. Snc-meister: Admitting more tenants with tail latency slos. In ACM SoCC (Symposium on Cloud Computing), September 2016. [ .pdf | ]
author = {T. Zhu and D. S. Berger and M. Harchol-Balter},
title = {SNC-Meister: Admitting More Tenants with Tail Latency SLOs},
booktitle = {ACM SoCC (Symposium on Cloud Computing)},
year = {2016},
month = Sep,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/ZBH16.pdf}
[259] Michael Beck. Towards the analysis of transient phases with stochastic network calculus. In IEEE 17th International Network Strategy and Planning Symposium (Networks 2016), September 2016. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Michael Beck},
title = {Towards the Analysis of Transient Phases with Stochastic Network Calculus},
booktitle = {IEEE 17th International Network Strategy and Planning Symposium (Networks 2016)},
year = {2016},
month = sep,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/Beck16.pdf}
[258] Steffen Bondorf and Jens B. Schmitt. Should network calculus relocate? an assessment of current algebraic and optimization-based analyses. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST 2016), August 2016. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Steffen Bondorf and Jens B. Schmitt},
title = {Should Network Calculus Relocate? An Assessment of Current Algebraic and Optimization-based Analyses},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST 2016)},
year = {2016},
month = aug,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BS16-1.pdf}
[257] Steffen Bondorf. Worst-Case Performance Analysis of Feed-Forward Networks - An Efficient and Accurate Network Calculus. PhD thesis, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 2016. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Steffen Bondorf},
title = {Worst-Case Performance Analysis of Feed-Forward Networks - An Efficient and Accurate Network Calculus},
pages = {IX, 157},
year = {2016},
month = jul,
school = {Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany},
url = {https://kluedo.ub.uni-kl.de/files/4432/Thesis_SteffenBondorf_kluedo.pdf}
[256] Matthias Schäfer, Patrick Leu, Vincent Lenders, and Jens Schmitt. Secure motion verification using the doppler effect. In Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Security & Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks, WiSec '16, July 2016. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Schäfer, Matthias and Leu, Patrick and Lenders, Vincent and Schmitt, Jens},
title = {Secure Motion Verification using the Doppler Effect},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th ACM Conference on Security & Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks},
series = {WiSec '16},
month = jul,
url = {https://opensky-network.org/files/publications/schaefer16a.pdf},
year = 2016
[255] D. S. Berger, F. Gringoli, N. Facchi, I. Martinovic, and J. B. Schmitt. Friendly jamming on access points: Analysis and real-world measurements. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, PP(99), June 2016. [ .pdf | ]
author={D. S. Berger and F. Gringoli and N. Facchi and I. Martinovic and J. B. Schmitt},
journal={IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications},
title={Friendly Jamming on Access Points: Analysis and Real-World Measurements},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BGFMJ16.pdf}
[254] Steffen Bondorf and Jens B. Schmitt. Improving cross-traffic bounds in feed-forward networks - there is a job for everyone. In Proceedings of the 18th International GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Dependable Computer and Communication Systems (MMB & DFT 2016), April 2016. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Steffen Bondorf and Jens B. Schmitt},
title = {Improving Cross-Traffic Bounds in Feed-Forward Networks - There is a Job for Everyone},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th International GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Dependable Computer and Communication Systems (MMB & DFT 2016)},
year = {2016},
month = apr,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BS16.pdf}
[253] Steffen Bondorf, Paul Nikolaus, and Jens B. Schmitt. Delay bounds in feed-forward networks - a fast and accurate network calculus solution. arXiv:1603.02094 [cs.NI], March 2016. [ DOI | http | ]
doi = {10.48550/arXiv.1603.02094},
author = {Steffen Bondorf and Paul Nikolaus and Jens B. Schmitt},
title = {Delay Bounds in Feed-Forward Networks - A Fast and Accurate Network Calculus Solution},
url = {http://arxiv.org/pdf/1603.02094},
year = 2016,
month = mar,
journal={arXiv:1603.02094 [cs.NI]}
[252] Martin Strohmeier, Matthias Schäfer, Rui Pinheiro, Vincent Lenders, and Ivan Martinovic. On perception and reality in wireless air traffic communications security. arXiv:1602.08777 [cs.CR], February 2016. [ http | ]
author = {Strohmeier, Martin and Schäfer, Matthias and Pinheiro, Rui and Lenders, Vincent and Martinovic, Ivan},
title = {On Perception and Reality in Wireless Air Traffic Communications Security},
url = {http://arxiv.org/pdf/1602.08777},
year = 2016,
month = feb,
journal={arXiv:1602.08777 [cs.CR]}
[251] Steffen Bondorf and Jens Schmitt. Calculating accurate end-to-end delay bounds - you better know your cross-traffic. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Future Internet, 16(11), January 2016. [ DOI | ]
author={Steffen Bondorf and Jens Schmitt},
title={Calculating Accurate End-to-End Delay Bounds - You Better Know Your Cross-Traffic},
journal={EAI Endorsed Transactions on Future Internet},
keywords={cross-traffic arrivals, delay bounds, network calculus},
[250] Daniel S Berger, Martin Karsten, and Jens Schmitt. How real is the threat of instability events predicted by adversarial queueing theory? Tiny Transactions on Computer Science, January 2016. [ ]
title={How real is the threat of instability events predicted by Adversarial Queueing Theory?},
author={Berger, Daniel S and Karsten, Martin and Schmitt, Jens},
year = 2016,
month = jan,
journal={Tiny Transactions on Computer Science},
[249] Martin Strohmeier, Matt Smith, Matthias Schäfer, Vincent Lenders, and Ivan Martinovic. Assessing the impact of aviation security on cyber power. In International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon), 2016. [ .pdf | ]
title = "Assessing the Impact of Aviation Security on Cyber Power",
author = "Strohmeier, Martin and Smith, Matt and Schäfer, Matthias and Lenders, Vincent and Martinovic, Ivan",
year = 2016,
booktitle = "International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon)",
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/cycon16.pdf}
[248] Matthias Schäfer, Martin Strohmeier, Matthew Smith, Markus Fuchs, Rui Pinheiro, Vincent Lenders, and Ivan Martinovic. Opensky report 2016: Facts and figures on ssr mode s and ads-b usage. In IEEE/AIAA 35th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), 2016. [ .pdf | ]
title = "OpenSky Report 2016: Facts and Figures on SSR Mode S and ADS-B Usage",
author = "Schäfer, Matthias and Strohmeier, Martin and Smith, Matthew and Fuchs, Markus and Pinheiro, Rui and Lenders, Vincent and Martinovic, Ivan",
year = 2016,
booktitle = "IEEE/AIAA 35th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC)",
url = {https://opensky-network.org/files/publications/dasc2016.pdf},
[247] Michael A. Beck and Jens B. Schmitt. Window flow control in stochastic network calculus - the general service case. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2015), December 2015. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Michael A. Beck and Jens B. Schmitt},
title = {Window Flow Control in Stochastic Network Calculus - The General Service Case},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2015)},
year = {2015},
month = dec,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BS15-3.pdf}
[246] Steffen Bondorf and Jens B. Schmitt. Calculating accurate end-to-end delay bounds - you better know your cross-traffic. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2015), December 2015. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Steffen Bondorf and Jens B. Schmitt},
title = {Calculating Accurate End-to-End Delay Bounds - You Better Know Your Cross-Traffic},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2015)},
year = {2015},
month = dec,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BS15-2.pdf}
[245] Hao Wang and Jens Schmitt. End-to-end delay bounds for variable length packet transmissions under flow transformations. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things, 15(3), November 2015. [ ]
author={Hao Wang and Jens Schmitt},
title={End-to-End Delay Bounds for Variable Length Packet Transmissions under Flow Transformations},
journal={EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things},
[244] Steffen Bondorf and Jens B. Schmitt. On the potential to improve accuracy of network calculus analyses. Technical Report 392/15, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, October 2015. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Steffen Bondorf and Jens B. Schmitt},
title = {On the Potential to Improve Accuracy of Network Calculus Analyses},
institution = {University of Kaiserslautern, Germany},
year = {2015},
month = oct,
number = {392/15},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BS15-1.pdf}
[243] Daniel S. Berger, Sebastian Henningsen, Florin Ciucu, and Jens B. Schmitt. Maximizing cache hit ratios by variance reduction. SIGMETRICS Perform. Eval. Rev., 43(2):57--59, September 2015. [ DOI | http | ]
author = {Berger, Daniel S. and Henningsen, Sebastian and Ciucu, Florin and Schmitt, Jens B.},
title = {Maximizing Cache Hit Ratios by Variance Reduction},
journal = {SIGMETRICS Perform. Eval. Rev.},
issue_date = {September 2015},
volume = {43},
number = {2},
month = sep,
year = {2015},
issn = {0163-5999},
pages = {57--59},
numpages = {3},
url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2825236.2825259},
doi = {10.1145/2825236.2825259},
acmid = {2825259},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
[242] Michael Beck and Jens Schmitt. Window flow control in stochastic network calculus. Technical Report 391/15, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, September 2015. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Michael Beck and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Window Flow Control in Stochastic Network Calculus},
institution = {University of Kaiserslautern, Germany},
year = {2015},
month = sep,
number = {391/15},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BS-TR15.pdf}
[241] Martin Strohmeier, Matthias Schäfer, Markus Fuchs, Vincent Lenders, and Ivan Martinovic. Opensky: A swiss army knife for air traffic security research. In IEEE/AIAA 34th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), September 2015. [ .pdf | ]
title = {OpenSky: A Swiss Army Knife for Air Traffic Security Research},
author = {Strohmeier, Martin and Schäfer, Matthias and Fuchs, Markus and Lenders, Vincent and Martinovic, Ivan},
year = {2015},
booktitle = {IEEE/AIAA 34th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC)},
month = sep,
url = {https://opensky-network.org/files/publications/dasc2015.pdf}
[240] Matthias Schäfer, Vincent Lenders, and Jens B. Schmitt. Secure Track Verification. In IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P '15), San Jose, CA, USA, May 2015. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Matthias Schäfer and Vincent Lenders and Jens B. Schmitt},
title = {Secure Track Verification},
booktitle = {IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P '15)},
year = 2015,
address = {San Jose, CA, USA},
month = May,
url = {https://opensky-network.org/files/publications/sp15.pdf}
[239] Steffen Bondorf and Jens B. Schmitt. Boosting sensor network calculus by thoroughly bounding cross-traffic. In Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2015), April 2015. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Steffen Bondorf and Jens B. Schmitt},
title = {Boosting Sensor Network Calculus by Thoroughly Bounding Cross-Traffic},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 34th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2015)},
year = {2015},
month = apr,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BS15.pdf}
[238] Steffen Bondorf and Jens Schmitt. The discodnc v2 - a comprehensive tool for deterministic network calculus. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things, 15(4), February 2015. [ DOI | ]
author={Steffen Bondorf and Jens Schmitt},
title={The DiscoDNC v2 - A Comprehensive Tool for Deterministic Network Calculus},
journal={EAI Endorsed Transactions on Internet of Things},
[237] Florin Ciucu, Markus Fidler, Jörg Liebeherr, and Jens Schmitt. Network Calculus (Dagstuhl Seminar 15112). Dagstuhl Reports, 5(3):63--83, 2015. [ DOI | http | ]
author = {Florin Ciucu and Markus Fidler and Jörg Liebeherr and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Network Calculus (Dagstuhl Seminar 15112)}},
pages = {63--83},
journal = {Dagstuhl Reports},
ISSN = {2192-5283},
year = {2015},
volume = {5},
number = {3},
editor = {Florin Ciucu and Markus Fidler and Jörg Liebeherr and Jens Schmitt},
publisher = {Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik},
address = {Dagstuhl, Germany},
URL = {http://drops.dagstuhl.de/opus/volltexte/2015/5269},
URN = {urn:nbn:de:0030-drops-52691},
doi = {http://dx.doi.org/10.4230/DagRep.5.3.63},
annote = {Keywords: Deterministic, Stochastic Network Calculus, Queueing Theory, Effective Bandwidth, Performance Evaluation}
[236] Hao Wang. Modeling and Performance Analysis of Networks with Flow Transformations. Verlag Dr. Hut, 2015. ISBN 978-3-8439-2316-3. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Hao Wang},
title = {{Modeling and Performance Analysis of Networks with Flow Transformations}},
publisher = {Verlag Dr. Hut},
year = {2015},
note = {ISBN 978-3-8439-2316-3},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/thesis_HaoWang.pdf}
[235] Matthias Schäfer, Daniel S. Berger, Vincent Lenders, and Jens Schmitt. Security by mobility in location and track verification. In Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Security & Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks, WiSec '15, pages 29:1--29:2, New York, NY, USA, 2015. ACM. [ DOI | http | ]
author = {Schäfer, Matthias and Berger, Daniel S. and Lenders, Vincent and Schmitt, Jens},
title = {Security by Mobility in Location and Track Verification},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Security & Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks},
series = {WiSec '15},
year = {2015},
isbn = {978-1-4503-3623-9},
location = {New York, New York},
pages = {29:1--29:2},
articleno = {29},
numpages = {2},
url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2766498.2774988},
doi = {10.1145/2766498.2774988},
acmid = {2774988},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
[234] Hao Wang and Jens B. Schmitt. End-to-end delay bounds for variable length packet transmissions under flow transformations. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2014), December 2014. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
doi = {10.4108/icst.valuetools.2014.258194},
author = {Hao Wang and Jens B. Schmitt},
title = {End-to-End Delay Bounds for Variable Length Packet Transmissions under Flow Transformations},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2014)},
year = {2014},
month = dec,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/WS14-1.pdf}
[233] Steffen Bondorf and Jens B. Schmitt. The discodnc v2 - a comprehensive tool for deterministic network calculus. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2014), December 2014. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Steffen Bondorf and Jens B. Schmitt},
title = {The DiscoDNC v2 - A Comprehensive Tool for Deterministic Network Calculus},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2014)},
pages = {},
year = {2014},
month = dec,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BS14.pdf}
[232] Matthias Wilhelm, Vincent Lenders, and Jens B. Schmitt. On the reception of concurrent transmissions in wireless sensor networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 13(12), December 2014. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Matthias Wilhelm and Vincent Lenders and Jens B. Schmitt},
title = {On the Reception of Concurrent Transmissions in Wireless Sensor Networks},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications},
volume = {13},
number = {12},
month = dec,
year = {2014},
numpages = {6756-6767},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/WLS14.pdf}
[231] Hao Wang and Jens Schmitt. Delay bounds calculus for variable length packet transmissions under flow transformations. Technical Report 390/14, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, November 2014. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Hao Wang and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Delay Bounds Calculus for Variable Length Packet Transmissions under Flow Transformations},
institution = {University of Kaiserslautern, Germany},
year = {2014},
month = nov,
number = {390/14},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/WS14-TR390.pdf}
[230] Martin Strohmeier, Matthias Schäfer, Vincent Lenders, and Ivan Martinovic. Realities and challenges of nextgen air traffic management: The case of ads-b. IEEE Communications Magazine, 52(5):111--118, May 2014. [ .pdf | ]
author={Strohmeier, Martin and Schäfer, Matthias and Lenders, Vincent and Martinovic, Ivan},
journal={IEEE Communications Magazine},
title={Realities and Challenges of NextGen Air Traffic Management: The Case of ADS-B},
url = {https://opensky-network.org/files/publications/commag2014.pdf}
[229] Matthias Schäfer, Martin Strohmeier, Vincent Lenders, Ivan Martinovic, and Matthias Wilhelm. Demonstration abstract: Opensky: A large-scale ads-b sensor network for research. In Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '14), pages 313--314, Piscataway, NJ, USA, April 2014. IEEE Press. [ http | ]
author = {Schäfer, Matthias and Strohmeier, Martin and Lenders, Vincent and Martinovic, Ivan and Wilhelm, Matthias},
title = {Demonstration Abstract: OpenSky: A Large-scale ADS-B Sensor Network for Research},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '14)},
year = {2014},
isbn = {978-1-4799-3146-0},
location = {Berlin, Germany},
pages = {313--314},
numpages = {2},
url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2602339.2602391},
acmid = {2602391},
publisher = {IEEE Press},
address = {Piscataway, NJ, USA},
keywords = {ads-b, air traffic control, nextgen, opensky, sensor networks},
url = {https://opensky-network.org/files/publications/ipsn2014_demo.pdf}
[228] Matthias Schäfer, Martin Strohmeier, Vincent Lenders, Ivan Martinovic, and Matthias Wilhelm. Bringing up opensky: A large-scale ads-b sensor network for research. In Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '14), pages 83--94, Piscataway, NJ, USA, April 2014. IEEE Press. [ http | ]
author = {Schäfer, Matthias and Strohmeier, Martin and Lenders, Vincent and Martinovic, Ivan and Wilhelm, Matthias},
title = {Bringing Up OpenSky: A Large-scale ADS-B Sensor Network for Research},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN '14)},
year = {2014},
isbn = {978-1-4799-3146-0},
location = {Berlin, Germany},
pages = {83--94},
numpages = {12},
url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2602339.2602350},
acmid = {2602350},
publisher = {IEEE Press},
address = {Piscataway, NJ, USA},
keywords = {ads-b, air traffic control, nextgen, opensky, sensor networks},
url = {https://opensky-network.org/files/publications/ipsn2014.pdf}
[227] Hao Wang and Jens Schmitt. A delay calculus for streaming media subject to video transcoding. IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter, 9(2), March 2014. [ .pdf | ]
author={Hao Wang and Jens Schmitt},
journal={IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter},
title={A Delay Calculus for Streaming Media Subject to Video Transcoding},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/WS14.pdf}
[226] Michael Spuhler, Domenico Giustiniano, Vincent Lenders, Matthias Wilhelm, and Jens Schmitt. Detection of reactive jamming in dsss-based wireless communications. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 13(2):1593--1603, March 2014. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Michael Spuhler and Domenico Giustiniano and Vincent Lenders and Matthias Wilhelm and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Detection of Reactive Jamming in DSSS-based Wireless Communications},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications},
volume = {13},
number = {2},
pages= {1593--1603},
month = mar,
year = {2014},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SGLWS14.pdf}
[225] Daniel S. Berger, Philipp Gland, Sahil Singla, and Florin Ciucu. Exact analysis of TTL cache networks. Performance Evaluation, 79(0):2--23, 2014. Special Issue: Performance 2014. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
title = {Exact analysis of {TTL} cache networks},
journal = {Performance Evaluation},
volume = {79},
number = {0},
pages = {2--23},
year = {2014},
note = {Special Issue: Performance 2014},
issn = {0166-5316},
doi = {10.1016/j.peva.2014.07.001},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BGSC14-2.pdf},
author = {Daniel S. Berger and Philipp Gland and Sahil Singla and Florin Ciucu}
[224] Florin Ciucu and Jens Schmitt. On the catalyzing effect of randomness on the per-flow throughput in wireless networks. In The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2014), Toronto, Canada, 2014. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Florin Ciucu and Jens Schmitt},
title = {On the Catalyzing Effect of Randomness on the Per-Flow Throughput in Wireless Networks},
booktitle = {The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2014)},
year = {2014},
address = {Toronto, Canada},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/CS14.pdf}
[223] Florin Ciucu, Felix Poloczek, and Jens Schmitt. Sharp per-flow delay bounds for bursty arrivals: The case of fifo, sp, and edf scheduling. In The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2014), Toronto, Canada, 2014. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Florin Ciucu and Felix Poloczek and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Sharp Per-Flow Delay Bounds for Bursty Arrivals: The Case of FIFO, SP, and EDF Scheduling},
booktitle = {The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2014)},
year = {2014},
address = {Toronto, Canada},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/CPS14.pdf}
[222] Michael A. Beck, Sebastian A. Henningsen, Simon B. Birnbach, and Jens Schmitt. Towards a statistical network calculus - dealing with uncertainty in arrivals. In The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2014), Toronto, Canada, 2014. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
author = {Michael A. Beck and Sebastian A. Henningsen and Simon B. Birnbach and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Towards a Statistical Network Calculus - Dealing with Uncertainty in Arrivals},
booktitle = {The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2014)},
year = {2014},
address = {Toronto, Canada},
doi = {10.1109/infocom.2014.6848183},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BHBS14.pdf}
[221] Daniel S. Berger, Francesco Gringoli, Nicol`o Facchi, Ivan Martinovic, and Jens Schmitt. Gaining insight on friendly jamming in a real-world ieee 802.11 network. In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless & Mobile Networks, WiSec '14, pages 105--116, New York, NY, USA, 2014. ACM. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
author = {Berger, Daniel S. and Gringoli, Francesco and Facchi, Nicol`{o} and Martinovic, Ivan and Schmitt, Jens},
title = {Gaining Insight on Friendly Jamming in a Real-world IEEE 802.11 Network},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2014 ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless & Mobile Networks},
series = {WiSec '14},
year = {2014},
isbn = {978-1-4503-2972-9},
location = {Oxford, United Kingdom},
pages = {105--116},
numpages = {12},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BGFMS14.pdf},
doi = {10.1145/2627393.2627403},
acmid = {2627403},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
keywords = {defensive jamming, friendly jamming, ieee 802.11, jamming for good, reactive jamming, wi-fi, wlan},
[220] Daniel S. Berger, Philipp Gland, Sahil Singla, and Florin Ciucu. Exact analysis of ttl cache networks: The case of caching policies driven by stopping times. In The 2014 ACM International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, SIGMETRICS '14, pages 595--596, New York, NY, USA, 2014. ACM. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
author = {Berger, Daniel S. and Gland, Philipp and Singla, Sahil and Ciucu, Florin},
title = {Exact Analysis of TTL Cache Networks: The Case of Caching Policies Driven by Stopping Times},
booktitle = {The 2014 ACM International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems},
series = {SIGMETRICS '14},
year = {2014},
isbn = {978-1-4503-2789-3},
location = {Austin, Texas, USA},
pages = {595--596},
numpages = {2},
doi = {10.1145/2591971.2592038},
acmid = {2592038},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
keywords = {analytical model, cache networks, cache performance},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BGSC14.pdf}
[219] Daniel S. Berger, Martin Karsten, and Jens Schmitt. On the relevance of adversarial queueing theory in practice. In The 2014 ACM International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems, SIGMETRICS '14, pages 343--354, New York, NY, USA, 2014. ACM. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
author = {Berger, Daniel S. and Karsten, Martin and Schmitt, Jens},
title = {On the Relevance of Adversarial Queueing Theory in Practice},
booktitle = {The 2014 ACM International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems},
series = {SIGMETRICS '14},
year = {2014},
isbn = {978-1-4503-2789-3},
location = {Austin, Texas, USA},
pages = {343--354},
numpages = {12},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BKS14.pdf},
doi = {10.1145/2591971.2592006},
acmid = {2592006},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
keywords = {adversarial queueing theory, finite buffers, network stability},
[218] Daniel S. Berger and Florin Ciucu. Stochastic bounds on inter-miss times from TTL caches. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 37:109--120, 2014. [ DOI | http | ]
title={Stochastic Bounds on Inter-Miss Times from {TTL} Caches},
author={Berger, Daniel S. and Ciucu, Florin},
journal={Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation},
pages = {109--120},
doi = {10.1515/pik-2014-0007},
url = {http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/piko.2014.37.issue-2/pik-2014-0007/pik-2014-0007.xml}
[217] Michael A. Beck and Jens Schmitt. The disco stochastic network calculator version 1.0 - when waiting comes to an end. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2013), December 2013. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Michael A. Beck and Jens Schmitt},
title = {The DISCO Stochastic Network Calculator Version 1.0 - When Waiting Comes to an End},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2013)},
year = {2013},
month = dec,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BS13-1.pdf}
[216] Martin Strohmeier, Ivan Martinovic, Utz Roedig, Karim El Defrawy, and Jens Schmitt. Neighborhood watch: On network coding throughput and key sharing. In IEEE GLOBECOM, December 2013. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Martin Strohmeier and Ivan Martinovic and Utz Roedig and Karim El Defrawy and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Neighborhood Watch: On Network Coding Throughput and Key Sharing},
booktitle = {IEEE GLOBECOM},
year = {2013},
month = dec,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SMRDS13.pdf}
[215] Adam Bachorek, Bagavathiannan Palanisamy, and Jens Schmitt. Towards measurement-based self-management of performance properties in wireless sensor networks. In Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks (PE-WASUN), pages 151--154, November 2013. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Adam Bachorek and Bagavathiannan Palanisamy and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Towards measurement-based self-management of performance properties in wireless sensor networks},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks (PE-WASUN)},
year = {2013},
month = nov,
pages = {151-154},
ee = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2507248.2507271},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BPS13-2.pdf}
[214] Abrahale Tewelde, Wint Yi Poe, and Jens Schmitt. An analytical model of a hybrid network of static and mobile sensors. In Proceedings of the 9th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC), November 2013. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Abrahale Tewelde and Wint Yi Poe and Jens Schmitt},
title = {An Analytical Model of a Hybrid Network of Static and Mobile Sensors},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC)},
year = {2013},
month = nov,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/TPS13.pdf}
[213] Daniel S. Berger and Florin Ciucu. A bound on the moments of a ttl-based cache's miss-process. In Proceedings of the 7th GI/ITG-Workshop MMBnet, pages 56--62, September 2013. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Daniel S. Berger and Florin Ciucu},
title = {A Bound on the Moments of a TTL-based Cache's Miss-Process},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th GI/ITG-Workshop MMBnet},
pages = {56-62},
year = {2013},
month = sep,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BC13.pdf}
[212] Hao Wang, Jens Schmitt, and Florin Ciucu. Performance modelling and analysis of unreliable links with retransmissions using network calculus. In Proceedings of the 25th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 25), September 2013. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Hao Wang and Jens Schmitt and Florin Ciucu},
title = {Performance Modelling and Analysis of Unreliable Links with Retransmissions using Network Calculus},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 25)},
month = sep,
year = {2013},
location = {Shanghai, China},
date = {September 10--12, 2013},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/WSC13-1.pdf}
[211] Matthias Wilhelm, Ivan Martinovic, and Jens Schmitt. Secure key generation in sensor networks based on frequency-selective channels. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 31(8), September 2013. [ ]
author = {Matthias Wilhelm and Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Secure Key Generation in Sensor Networks Based on Frequency-selective Channels},
journal = {IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications},
volume = {31},
number = {8},
month = sep,
year = {2013},
numpages = {12},
[210] Adam Bachorek, Bagavathiannan Palanisamy, and Jens Schmitt. Measurement and prediction of centrical/peripheral network properties based on regression analysis - a parametric foundation for performance self-management in wsns. CoRR, abs/1308.3855, August 2013. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Adam Bachorek and Bagavathiannan Palanisamy and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Measurement and Prediction of Centrical/Peripheral Network Properties based on Regression Analysis - A Parametric Foundation for Performance Self-Management in WSNs},
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/1308.3855},
year = {2013},
month = aug,
ee = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1308.3855},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BPS13-1.pdf}
[209] Matthias Wilhelm, Vincent Lenders, and Jens Schmitt. An analytical model of packet collisions in ieee 802.15.4 wireless networks. Technical Report WLS13, TU Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany, August 2013. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Matthias Wilhelm and Vincent Lenders and Jens Schmitt},
title = {An Analytical Model of Packet Collisions in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Networks},
institution = {TU Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany},
year = {2013},
month = aug,
number = {WLS13},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/WLS13.pdf}
[208] Michael A. Beck, Sebastian A. Henningsen, Simon B. Birnbach, and Jens Schmitt. Towards a statistical network calculus - dealing with uncertainty in arrivals. Technical report, TU Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 2013. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Michael A. Beck and Sebastian A. Henningsen and Simon B. Birnbach and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Towards a Statistical Network Calculus - Dealing with Uncertainty in Arrivals},
institution = {TU Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany},
year = {2013},
month = jul,
number = {},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BHBS13.pdf}
[207] Florin Ciucu, Felix Poloczek, and Jens Schmitt. Sharp bounds in stochastic network calculus. In ACM SIGMETRICS, pages 367--368, June 2013. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Florin Ciucu and Felix Poloczek and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Sharp bounds in stochastic network calculus},
booktitle = {ACM SIGMETRICS},
year = {2013},
month = jun,
pages = {367-368},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/CPS13-1.pdf}
[206] Matthias Schäfer, Vincent Lenders, and Ivan Martinovic. Experimental analysis of attacks on next generation air traffic communication. In Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS '13), volume 7954 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 253--271. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, June 2013. [ .pdf | ]
booktitle={Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS '13)},
series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
title={Experimental Analysis of Attacks on Next Generation Air Traffic Communication},
publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
author={Matthias Schäfer and Vincent Lenders and Ivan Martinovic},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SLM13.pdf},
[205] Matthias Wilhelm, Ivan Martinovic, Jens Schmitt, and Vincent Lenders. Air dominance in sensor networks: Guarding sensor motes using selective interference. Technical Report arXiv:1305.4038, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, May 2013. [ http | ]
author = {Matthias Wilhelm and Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt and Vincent Lenders},
title = {Air Dominance in Sensor Networks: Guarding Sensor Motes using Selective Interference},
institution = {University of Kaiserslautern, Germany},
year = {2013},
month = may,
number = {arXiv:1305.4038},
url = {http://arxiv.org/pdf/1305.4038v1}
[204] Tim Stöber, Mario Frank, Jens Schmitt, and Ivan Martinovic. Who do you sync you are?: smartphone fingerprinting via application behaviour. In ACM WiSec, pages 7--12, April 2013. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Tim Stöber and Mario Frank and Jens Schmitt and Ivan Martinovic},
title = {Who do you sync you are?: smartphone fingerprinting via application behaviour},
booktitle = {ACM WiSec},
year = {2013},
month = apr,
pages = {7-12},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SFSM13.pdf}
[203] Domenico Giustiniano, Vincent Lenders, Jens Schmitt, Michael Spuhler, and Matthias Wilhelm. Detection of reactive jamming in dsss-based wireless networks. In Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec '13). ACM, April 2013. [ .pdf | ]
title = {Detection of Reactive Jamming in DSSS-based Wireless Networks},
author = {Domenico Giustiniano and Vincent Lenders and Jens Schmitt and Michael Spuhler and Matthias Wilhelm},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec '13)},
month = apr,
year = {2013},
organization = {ACM},
location = {Budapest, Hungary},
city = {Budapest, Hungary},
date = {April 17--19, 2013},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/GLSSW13.pdf}
[202] Florin Ciucu and Jens Schmitt. On the catalyzing effect of randomness on the per-flow throughput in wireless networks. CoRR, abs/1307.7271, 2013. [ ]
author = {Florin Ciucu and Jens Schmitt},
title = {On the Catalyzing Effect of Randomness on the Per-Flow Throughput in Wireless Networks},
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/1307.7271},
year = {2013},
ee = {http://arxiv.org/abs/1307.7271},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
[201] Wint Yi Poe. Design Problems in Large-Scale,Time-Sensitive WSNs. PhD thesis, TU Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany, 2013. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Wint Yi Poe},
title = {Design Problems in Large-Scale,Time-Sensitive WSNs},
school = {TU Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany},
year = {2013},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/Poe12.pdf}
[200] Daniel S. Berger, Martin Karsten, and Jens Schmitt. Simulation of adversarial scenarios in omnet++: Putting adversarial queueing theory from its head to feet. In Proceedings of the 6th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, SimuTools '13, pages 291--298, ICST, Brussels, Belgium, Belgium, 2013. ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering). [ .pdf | ]
author = {Berger, Daniel S. and Karsten, Martin and Schmitt, Jens},
title = {Simulation of Adversarial Scenarios in OMNeT++: Putting Adversarial Queueing Theory from Its Head to Feet},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques},
series = {SimuTools '13},
year = {2013},
isbn = {978-1-4503-2464-9},
location = {Cannes, France},
pages = {291--298},
numpages = {8},
acmid = {2512776},
publisher = {ICST (Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering)},
address = {ICST, Brussels, Belgium, Belgium},
keywords = {FIFO scheduling, adversarial queueing theory, discrete-event simulation, stability, traffic generation},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BKS13.pdf},
[199] Michael A. Beck and Jens Schmitt. On the Calculation of Sample-Path Backlog Bounds in Queueing Systems over Finite Time Horizons. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2012), Cargèse, France, October 2012. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Michael A. Beck and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{On the Calculation of Sample-Path Backlog Bounds in Queueing Systems over Finite Time Horizons}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2012)},
year = {2012},
address = {Cargèse, France},
month = oct,
date = {October 8--12, 2012},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BS12-3.pdf}
[198] Hao Wang, Florin Ciucu, and Jens Schmitt. A leftover service curve approach to analyze demultiplexing in queueing networks. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2012), Cargèse, France, October 2012. [ .pdf | ]
title = {A Leftover Service Curve Approach to Analyze Demultiplexing in Queueing Networks},
author = {Hao Wang and Florin Ciucu and Jens Schmitt},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS 2012)},
month = oct,
year = {2012},
address = {Cargèse, France},
date = {October 8--12, 2012},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/WCS12-2.pdf}
[197] Simon Eberz, Martin Strohmeier, Matthias Wilhelm, and Ivan Martinovic. A practical man-in-the-middle attack on signal-based key generation protocols. In Proceedings of the 17th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS '12). Springer, September 2012. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Simon Eberz and Martin Strohmeier and Matthias Wilhelm and Ivan Martinovic},
title = {A Practical Man-In-The-Middle Attack on Signal-Based Key Generation Protocols},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS '12)},
year = {2012},
publisher = {Springer},
month = sep,
date = {September 10--12, 2012},
location = {Pisa, Italy},
city = {Pisa, Italy},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/ESWM12.pdf}
[196] Matthias Wilhelm and Jens Schmitt. Interference scripting: Protocol-aware interference generation for repeatable wireless testbed experiments. In Proceedings of the 4th Annual Wireless of the Student, by the Student, and for the Student (S3) Workshop, pages 21--23. ACM, August 2012. [ .pdf | ]
title = {Interference Scripting: Protocol-aware Interference Generation for Repeatable Wireless Testbed Experiments},
author = {Matthias Wilhelm and Jens Schmitt},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th Annual Wireless of the Student, by the Student, and for the Student (S3) Workshop},
pages = {21--23},
month = aug,
year = {2012},
organization = {ACM},
location = {Istanbul, Turkey},
city = {Istanbul, Turkey},
date = {August 26, 2012},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/WS12.pdf}
[195] Florin Ciucu and Jens Schmitt. Perspectives on network calculus -- no free lunch, but still good value. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2012 Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communications (SIGCOMM '12), pages 311--322, New York, NY, USA, August 2012. ACM. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Florin Ciucu and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Perspectives on Network Calculus -- No Free Lunch, But Still Good Value},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2012 Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communications (SIGCOMM '12)},
year = {2012},
pages = {311--322},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
month = aug,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/CS12-1.pdf},
location = {Helsinki, Finland},
city = {Helsinki, Finland},
date = {August 13--17, 2012}
[194] Michael A. Beck and Jens Schmitt. On the Calculation of Sample-Path Backlog Bounds in Queueing Systems over Finite Time Horizons. Technical report, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, May 2012. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Michael A. Beck and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{On the Calculation of Sample-Path Backlog Bounds in Queueing Systems over Finite Time Horizons}},
institution = {University of Kaiserslautern, Germany},
type = {Technical Report},
year = {2012},
month = may,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BS12-1.pdf}
[193] Wint Yi Poe, Michael A. Beck, and Jens Schmitt. Achieving High Lifetime and Low Delay in Very Large Sensor Networks using Mobile Sinks. In The 8th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS '12), Hangzhou, China, May 2012. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Wint Yi Poe and Michael A. Beck and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Achieving High Lifetime and Low Delay in Very Large Sensor Networks using Mobile Sinks}},
booktitle = {The 8th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS '12)},
year = {2012},
address = {Hangzhou, China},
month = may,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/PBS12-1.pdf}
[192] Steffen Bondorf. Using Network Calculus to Model Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks. In MMB & DFT 2012 Workshop Proceedings, pages 7--8, March 2012. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Steffen Bondorf},
title = {{Using Network Calculus to Model Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks}},
booktitle = {MMB & DFT 2012 Workshop Proceedings},
year = {2012},
pages = {7--8},
month = mar,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/B12.pdf},
location = {Kaiserslautern, Germany},
city = {Kaiserslautern, Germany},
date = {March 21, 2012}
[191] Matthias Wilhelm, Jens Schmitt, and Vincent Lenders. Practical Message Manipulation Attacks in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Networks. In MMB & DFT 2012 Workshop Proceedings, pages 29--31, March 2012. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Matthias Wilhelm and Jens Schmitt and Vincent Lenders},
title = {{Practical Message Manipulation Attacks in {IEEE} 802.15.4 Wireless Networks}},
booktitle = {MMB & DFT 2012 Workshop Proceedings},
year = {2012},
pages = {29--31},
month = mar,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/WSL12.pdf},
location = {Kaiserslautern, Germany},
city = {Kaiserslautern, Germany},
date = {March 21, 2012}
[190] Jens Schmitt (ed.). Measurement, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computing Systems and Dependability and Fault Tolerance, volume 7201 of LNCS. Springer LNCS, March 2012. ISBN 978-3-642-28539-4. [ ]
author = {Jens Schmitt (ed.)},
title = {{Measurement, Modelling, and Evaluation of Computing Systems and Dependability and Fault Tolerance}},
publisher = {Springer LNCS},
year = {2012},
volume = {7201},
number = {},
series = {LNCS},
edition = {},
month = mar,
note = {ISBN 978-3-642-28539-4}
[189] Matthias Wilhelm, Ivan Martinovic, Jens Schmitt, and Vincent Lenders. WiSec 2011 demo: RFReact---a real-time capable and channel-aware jamming platform. SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, 15:41--42, November 2011. [ DOI | http | ]
author = {Matthias Wilhelm and Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt and Vincent Lenders},
title = {{WiSec} 2011 Demo: {RFReact}---A Real-time Capable and Channel-aware Jamming Platform},
journal = {{SIGMOBILE} Mobile Computing and Communications Review},
volume = {15},
issue = {3},
month = nov,
year = {2011},
issn = {1559-1662},
pages = {41--42},
numpages = {2},
url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2073290.2073300},
doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2073290.2073300},
acmid = {2073300},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA}
[188] Matthias Wilhelm, Ivan Martinovic, Jens Schmitt, and Vincent Lenders. WiFire: A firewall for wireless networks. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2011 Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communications (SIGCOMM '11), pages 456--457, New York, NY, USA, August 2011. ACM. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Matthias Wilhelm and Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt and Vincent Lenders},
title = {{WiFire}: A Firewall for Wireless Networks},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2011 Conference on Applications, Technologies, Architectures, and Protocols for Computer Communications (SIGCOMM '11)},
year = {2011},
pages = {456--457},
organization = {},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
month = aug,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/WMSL11-2.pdf},
location = {Toronto, Canada},
city = {Toronto, Canada},
date = {August 15--19, 2011}
[187] Wint Yi Poe, Michael A. Beck, and Jens Schmitt. Achieving High Lifetime and Low Delay in Very Large Sensor Networks using Mobile Sinks. Technical Report 385/11, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 2011. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Wint Yi Poe and Michael A. Beck and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Achieving High Lifetime and Low Delay in Very Large Sensor Networks using Mobile Sinks}},
institution = {University of Kaiserslautern, Germany},
type = {Technical Report},
number = {385/11},
year = {2011},
month = jul,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/PMS11-TR385.pdf}
[186] Wint Yi Poe, Michael A. Beck, and Jens Schmitt. Planning the Trajectories of Multiple Mobile Sinks in Large-Scale, Time-Sensitive WSNs. In The 7th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (IEEE DCOSS 2011), Barcelona, Spain, June 2011. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Wint Yi Poe and Michael A. Beck and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Planning the Trajectories of Multiple Mobile Sinks in Large-Scale, Time-Sensitive WSNs}},
booktitle = {The 7th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (IEEE DCOSS 2011)},
year = {2011},
pages = {},
organization = {},
publisher = {},
address = {Barcelona, Spain},
month = jun,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/PBS11-1.pdf}
[185] Matthias Wilhelm, Ivan Martinovic, Jens Schmitt, and Vincent Lenders. Reactive Jamming in Wireless Networks: How Realistic is the Threat? In Proceedings of the Fourth ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec '11), pages 47--52, New York, NY, USA, June 2011. ACM. [ http | ]
author = {Matthias Wilhelm and Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt and Vincent Lenders},
title = {{Reactive Jamming in Wireless Networks: How Realistic is the Threat?}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec '11)},
year = {2011},
pages = {47--52},
organization = {},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
publisher = {ACM},
location = {Hamburg, Germany},
city = {Hamburg, Germany},
date = {June 15--17, 2011},
month = jun,
url = {http://dl.acm.org/authorize?431905}
[184] Jens Schmitt, Nicos Gollan, Steffen Bondorf, and Ivan Martinovic. Pay bursts only once holds for (some) non-fifo systems. In The 30th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2011), Shanghai, China, April 2011. [ DOI | .pdf | ]
doi = {10.1109/infcom.2011.5935002},
author = {Jens Schmitt and Nicos Gollan and Steffen Bondorf and Ivan Martinovic},
title = {Pay Bursts Only Once Holds for (Some) Non-FIFO Systems},
booktitle = {The 30th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2011)},
year = {2011},
pages = {},
address = {Shanghai, China},
month = apr,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SGBM11-1.pdf}
[183] Florin Ciucu, Jens Schmitt, and Hao Wang. On expressing networks with flow transformations in convolution-form. In The 30th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2011), Shanghai, China, April 2011. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Florin Ciucu and Jens Schmitt and Hao Wang},
title = {On Expressing Networks with Flow Transformations in Convolution-Form},
booktitle = {The 30th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2011)},
year = {2011},
pages = {},
address = {Shanghai, China},
month = apr,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/CSW11-1.pdf}
[182] Wint Yi Poe, Michael A. Beck, and Jens Schmitt. Planning the trajectories of multiple mobile sinks in large-scale, time-sensitive wsns. Technical Report 381/11, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, February 2011. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Wint Yi Poe and Michael A. Beck and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Planning the Trajectories of Multiple Mobile Sinks in Large-Scale, Time-Sensitive WSNs},
institution = {University of Kaiserslautern, Germany},
type = {Technical Report},
number = {381/11},
year = {2011},
month = feb,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/PMS11-TR381.pdf}
[181] Hao Wang, Jens Schmitt, and Ivan Martinovic. Dynamic demultiplexing in network calculus -- theory and application. Performance Evaluation, Elsevier, 68(2):201--219, February 2011. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Hao Wang and Jens Schmitt and Ivan Martinovic},
title = {Dynamic Demultiplexing in Network Calculus -- Theory and Application},
volume = {68},
number = {2},
pages = {201--219},
year = {2011},
issn = {doi: doi:10.1016/j.peva.2010.12.002},
month = Feb,
journal = {Performance Evaluation, Elsevier},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SWM10-1.pdf}
[180] Petcharat Suriyachai, Utz Roedig, Andrew Scott, Nicos Gollan, and Jens Schmitt. Dimensioning of time-critical wsns - theory, implementation and evaluation. JCM, 6(5):360--369, 2011. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Petcharat Suriyachai and Utz Roedig and Andrew Scott and Nicos Gollan and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Dimensioning of Time-Critical WSNs - Theory, Implementation and Evaluation},
journal = {JCM},
volume = {6},
number = {5},
year = {2011},
pages = {360-369},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SRSGS11-1.pdf}
[179] Sebastian Wille, Norbert Wehn, Ivan Martinovic, Simon Kunz, and Peter Göhner. AmICA - A flexible, compact, easy-to-program, and low-power WSN platform. In Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems (Mobiquitous). Springer Verlag, December 2010. [ ]
author = {Sebastian Wille and Norbert Wehn and Ivan Martinovic and Simon Kunz and Peter Göhner},
title = {{AmICA - A flexible, compact, easy-to-program, and low-power WSN platform}},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems (Mobiquitous)}},
year = {2010},
pages = {},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
month = dec
[178] Dennis Christmann, Ivan Martinovic, and Jens Schmitt. Analysis of transmission properties in an indoor wireless sensor network based on a full-factorial design. Special Issue on Wireless Sensor Networks - Designing for Real-world Deployment and Deployment Experiences, Measurement Science and Technology, Institute of Physics, 21(12), December 2010. [ ]
author = {Dennis Christmann and Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Analysis of Transmission Properties in an Indoor Wireless Sensor Network Based on a Full-Factorial Design},
volume = {21},
number = {12},
pages = {},
year = {2010},
issn = {doi: 10.1088/0957-0233/21/12/124003},
month = Dec,
journal = {Special Issue on Wireless Sensor Networks - Designing for Real-world Deployment and Deployment Experiences, Measurement Science and Technology, Institute of Physics}
[177] Paolo Barsocchi, Stefano Chessa, Ivan Martinovic, and Gabriele Oligeri. AmbiSec: Securing Smart Spaces Using Entropy Harvesting. In Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI-10). Springer Verlag, November 2010. [ ]
author = {Paolo Barsocchi and Stefano Chessa and Ivan Martinovic and Gabriele Oligeri},
title = {{AmbiSec: Securing Smart Spaces Using Entropy Harvesting}},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of the First International Joint Conference on Ambient Intelligence (AmI-10)}},
year = {2010},
pages = {},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
month = nov
[176] Jens Schmitt, Hao Wang, and Ivan Martinovic. A Self-Adversarial Approach to Delay Analysis under Arbitrary Scheduling. In Proceedings of 4th International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA 2010). Springer Verlag, October 2010. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Hao Wang and Ivan Martinovic},
title = {{A Self-Adversarial Approach to Delay Analysis under Arbitrary Scheduling}},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of 4th International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISoLA 2010)}},
year = {2010},
pages = {},
publisher = {Springer Verlag},
month = oct,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SWM10-2.pdf}
[175] Steffen Bondorf and Jens Schmitt. Statistical Response Time Bounds in Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2010), Denver, CO, USA, October 2010. IEEE. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Steffen Bondorf and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Statistical Response Time Bounds in Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks}},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2010)}},
year = {2010},
pages = {},
publisher = {IEEE},
address = {Denver, CO, USA},
month = oct,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BS10-1.pdf}
[174] Matthias Wilhelm, Ivan Martinovic, Ersin Uzun, and Jens Schmitt. SUDOKU: Secure and Usable Deployment of Keys on Wireless Sensors. In Proceedings of the 6th Annual Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (NPSec) in conjunction with IEEE ICNP 2010, Kyoto, Japan, October 2010. IEEE. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Matthias Wilhelm and Ivan Martinovic and Ersin Uzun and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{SUDOKU: Secure and Usable Deployment of Keys on Wireless Sensors}},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 6th Annual Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (NPSec) in conjunction with IEEE ICNP 2010}},
year = {2010},
pages = {},
publisher = {IEEE},
address = {Kyoto, Japan},
month = oct,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/WMUS10.pdf}
[173] Jens Schmitt, Nicos Gollan, Steffen Bondorf, and Ivan Martinovic. Pay bursts only once holds for (some) non-fifo systems. Technical Report 378/10, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 2010. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Nicos Gollan and Steffen Bondorf and Ivan Martinovic},
title = {Pay Bursts Only Once Holds for (Some) Non-FIFO Systems},
institution = {University of Kaiserslautern, Germany},
year = {2010},
type = {Technical Report},
number = {378/10},
month = jul,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SGBM10-1.pdf}
[172] Matthias Wilhelm, Ivan Martinovic, and Jens Schmitt. Key Generation in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Frequency-selective Channels: Design, Implementation, and Analysis. Technical Report arXiv:1005.0712v1 [cs.CR], ArXiv.org, May 2010. [ http | ]
author = {Matthias Wilhelm and Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Key Generation in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Frequency-selective Channels: Design, Implementation, and Analysis}},
number = {arXiv:1005.0712v1 [cs.CR]},
institution = {ArXiv.org},
year = {2010},
month = may,
url = {http://arxiv.org/pdf/1005.0712v1}
[171] Dennis Christmann and Ivan Martinovic. Experimental Design and Analysis of Transmission Properties in an Indoor Wireless Sensor Network. In Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Wireless Network Measurements (WiNMee), in conjunction with WiOpt 2010, Avignon, France, May 2010. IEEE Computer Society. [ ]
author = {Dennis Christmann and Ivan Martinovic},
title = {{Experimental Design and Analysis of Transmission Properties in an Indoor Wireless Sensor Network}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Wireless Network Measurements ({WiNMee}), in conjunction with WiOpt 2010},
address = {Avignon, France},
year = {2010},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
month = may
[170] Andreas Kiefer, Nicos Gollan, and Jens Schmitt. Searching for tight performance bounds in feed-forward networks. In Bruno Müller-Clostermann, Klaus Echtle, and Erwin P. Rathgeb, editors, 15th International GI/ITG Conference on “Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems” and “Dependability and Fault Tolerance” (MMB/DFT 2010), volume 5987 of Lecture notes in Computer Science, pages 227--241, Essen, Germany, March 2010. GI/ITG, Springer. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Andreas Kiefer and Nicos Gollan and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Searching for Tight Performance Bounds in Feed-Forward Networks},
booktitle = {15th International GI/ITG Conference on ``Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computing Systems'' and ``Dependability and Fault Tolerance'' (MMB/DFT 2010)},
year = {2010},
editor = {Bruno Müller-Clostermann and Klaus Echtle and Erwin P. Rathgeb},
volume = {5987},
series = {Lecture notes in Computer Science},
pages = {227--241},
organization = {GI/ITG},
publisher = {Springer},
address = {Essen, Germany},
month = mar,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/KGS10-1.pdf}
[169] Matthias Wilhelm, Ivan Martinovic, and Jens Schmitt. Secret Keys from Entangled Sensor Motes: Implementation and Analysis. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec 2010), pages 139--144, Hoboken, NJ, USA, March 2010. ACM Press. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Matthias Wilhelm and Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Secret Keys from Entangled Sensor Motes: Implementation and Analysis}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec 2010)},
year = {2010},
pages = {139-144},
publisher = {ACM Press},
address = {Hoboken, NJ, USA},
month = mar,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/WMS10-1.pdf}
[168] Hao Wang and Jens Schmitt. On the Way to a Wireless Network Calculus - The Single Node Case with Retransmissions. Technical Report 375/10, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, January 2010. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Hao Wang and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{On the Way to a Wireless Network Calculus - The Single Node Case with Retransmissions}},
institution = {University of Kaiserslautern, Germany},
year = {2010},
month = jan,
type = {Technical Report},
number = {375/10},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/WS10-TR375.pdf}
[167] Wint Yi Poe and Jens Schmitt. Node Deployment in Large Wireless Sensor Networks:Coverage, Energy Consumption, and Worst-Case Delay. In Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCOMM Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) 2009, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2009. ACM. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Wint Yi Poe and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Node Deployment in Large Wireless Sensor Networks:Coverage, Energy Consumption, and Worst-Case Delay}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCOMM Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) 2009},
year = {2009},
pages = {},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {Bangkok, Thailand},
month = nov,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/PS09-1.pdf}
[166] Wint Yi Poe and Jens Schmitt. Sink Placement without Location Information in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCOMM Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) 2009, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2009. ACM. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Wint Yi Poe and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Sink Placement without Location Information in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCOMM Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) 2009},
year = {2009},
pages = {},
organization = {},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {Bangkok, Thailand},
month = nov,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/PS09-2.pdf}
[165] Ivan Martinovic. Security by Wireless or Why Play Fairer than the Attacker? In Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCOMM Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) 2009, Bangkok, Thailand, November 2009. ACM, invited paper. [ ]
author = {Ivan Martinovic},
title = {{Security by Wireless or Why Play Fairer than the Attacker?}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th ACM SIGCOMM Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) 2009},
year = {2009},
pages = {},
publisher = {ACM, invited paper},
address = {Bangkok, Thailand},
month = nov,
[164] Matthias Wilhelm, Ivan Martinovic, and Jens Schmitt. Light-weight Key Generation based on Physical Properties of Wireless Channels. In Proceedings of the 11. Kryptotag der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., page 4, University of Trier, Germany, November 2009. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Matthias Wilhelm and Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Light-weight Key Generation based on Physical Properties of Wireless Channels}},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 11. Kryptotag der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.}},
year = {2009},
pages = {4},
publisher = {},
address = {University of Trier, Germany},
month = nov,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/WMS09-2.pdf}
[163] Matthias Wilhelm, Ivan Martinovic, and Jens Schmitt. On Key Agreement in Wireless Sensor Networks based on Radio Transmission Properties. In Proceedings of the 5th Annual Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (NPSec) in conjunction with IEEE ICNP 2009, pages 37--42, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, October 2009. IEEE Computer Society. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Matthias Wilhelm and Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{On Key Agreement in Wireless Sensor Networks based on Radio Transmission Properties}},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 5th Annual Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (NPSec) in conjunction with IEEE ICNP 2009}},
year = {2009},
pages = {37--42},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
address = {Princeton, New Jersey, USA},
month = oct,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/WMS09-1.pdf}
[162] Jens Schmitt and Ivan Martinovic. Demultiplexing in Network Calculus - A Stochastic Scaling Approach. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST) 2009, pages 82--93, Budapest, Hungary, September 2009. IEEE Computer Society. [ DOI | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Ivan Martinovic},
title = {{Demultiplexing in Network Calculus - A Stochastic Scaling Approach}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of SysTems (QEST) 2009},
year = {2009},
pages = {82--93},
publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
address = {Budapest, Hungary},
month = sep,
doi = {10.1109/QEST.2009.19}
[161] Wint Yi Poe and Jens Schmitt. Self-organized sink placement in large-scale wireless sensor networks. In 17th Annual Meeting of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems(MASCOTS 2009), pages 629--631, London, UK, September 2009. IEEE. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Wint Yi Poe and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Self-Organized Sink Placement in Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks},
booktitle = {17th Annual Meeting of the IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modelling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems(MASCOTS 2009)},
year = {2009},
pages = {629--631},
organization = {IEEE},
address = {London, UK},
month = sep,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/PS09-3.pdf}
[160] Ivan Martinovic, Paul Pichota, and Jens Schmitt. Jamming for Good: A Fresh Approach to Authentic Communication in WSNs. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec 2009), pages 161--168, Zurich, Switzerland, March 2009. ACM Press. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Ivan Martinovic and Paul Pichota and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Jamming for Good: A Fresh Approach to Authentic Communication in WSNs}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec 2009)},
year = {2009},
pages = {161--168},
publisher = {ACM Press},
address = {Zurich, Switzerland},
month = mar,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/MPS09-1.pdf}
[159] Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt. Turning The Tables: Using Wireless Communication Against An Attacker. In 16. ITG/GI - Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS) 2009, Kassel, Germany, pages 205--216. Springer Informatik Aktuell, March 2009. [ ]
author = {Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Turning The Tables: Using Wireless Communication Against An Attacker}},
booktitle = {16. ITG/GI - Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS) 2009, Kassel, Germany},
year = {2009},
pages = {205--216},
publisher = {Springer Informatik Aktuell},
month = mar
[158] Jens Schmitt, Nicos Gollan, and Ivan Martinovic. A New Service Curve Model to Deal with Non-FIFO Systems. In 16. ITG/GI - Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS) 2009, Kassel, Germany, pages 143--154. Springer Informatik Aktuell, March 2009. [ ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Nicos Gollan and Ivan Martinovic},
title = {{A New Service Curve Model to Deal with Non-FIFO Systems}},
booktitle = {16. ITG/GI - Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen (KiVS) 2009, Kassel, Germany},
year = {2009},
publisher = {Springer Informatik Aktuell},
month = mar,
pages = {143--154}
[157] Ivan Martinovic, Luc Cappellaro, Nicos Gollan, and Jens Schmitt. Chaotic Communication Improves Authentication: Protecting WSNs Against Injection Attacks. Security and Communication Networks, Special Issue on Security in Wireless Sensor Networks, Wiley, 2(2):117--132, March 2009. [ ]
author = {Ivan Martinovic and Luc Cappellaro and Nicos Gollan and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Chaotic Communication Improves Authentication: Protecting WSNs Against Injection Attacks}},
journal = {Security and Communication Networks, Special Issue on Security in Wireless Sensor Networks, Wiley},
volume = {2},
number = {2},
pages = {117--132},
month = mar,
year = {2009},
publisher = {Wiley}
[156] Ivan Martinovic, Paul Pichota, Matthias Wilhelm, Frank A. Zdarsky, and Jens Schmitt. Bringing law and order to ieee 802.11 networks -- a case for discosec. Pervasive and Mobile Computing (PMC), Elsevier, 5(5):510 -- 525, 2009. [ ]
author = {Ivan Martinovic and Paul Pichota and Matthias Wilhelm and Frank A. Zdarsky and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Bringing law and order to IEEE 802.11 networks -- A case for DiscoSec},
volume = {5},
number = {5},
pages = {510 -- 525},
year = {2009},
issn = {1574--1192},
journal = {Pervasive and Mobile Computing (PMC), Elsevier}
[155] Adam Bachorek, Ivan Martinovic, and Jens Schmitt. Enabling Authentic Transmissions in WSNs -- Turning Jamming against the Attacker. In Proceedings of the IEEE ICNP 4th Annual Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (NPSec 2008), pages 21--26, Orlando, FL, USA, October 2008. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Adam Bachorek and Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Enabling Authentic Transmissions in WSNs -- Turning Jamming against the Attacker}},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of the IEEE ICNP 4th Annual Workshop on Secure Network Protocols (NPSec 2008)}},
year = {2008},
address = {Orlando, FL, USA},
month = oct,
timestamp = {2008.08.12},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BMS08-1.pdf},
pages = {21--26}
[154] Ivan Martinovic, Nicos Gollan, and Jens Schmitt. Firewalling wireless sensor networks: Security by wireless. In Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN): Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp 2008), Montreal, Canada, October 2008. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Ivan Martinovic and Nicos Gollan and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Firewalling Wireless Sensor Networks: Security by Wireless},
booktitle = {{Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN): Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp 2008)}},
year = {2008},
address = {Montreal, Canada},
month = oct,
pages = {770 -- 777},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/MGS08.pdf},
[153] Nicos Gollan and Jens Schmitt. Improving Response Time of Sensor Networks by Scheduling Longest Flows First. In Proceedings of the 7. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Drahtlose Sensornetze, Berlin, Germany, September 2008. [ ]
author = {Nicos Gollan and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Improving Response Time of Sensor Networks by Scheduling Longest Flows First}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Drahtlose Sensornetze, Berlin, Germany},
year = {2008},
pages = {},
month = sep
[152] Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt. A Novel Approach for a Lightweight, Crypto-free Message Authentication in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of the 7. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Drahtlose Sensornetze, Berlin, Germany, September 2008. [ ]
author = {Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{A Novel Approach for a Lightweight, Crypto-free Message Authentication in Wireless Sensor Networks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Drahtlose Sensornetze, Berlin, Germany},
year = {2008},
pages = {},
month = sep
[151] Jens Schmitt, Nicos Gollan, and Ivan Martinovic. End-to-End Worst-Case Analysis of Non-FIFO Systems. Technical Report 370/08, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, August 2008. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Nicos Gollan and Ivan Martinovic},
title = {{End-to-End Worst-Case Analysis of Non-FIFO Systems}},
institution = {University of Kaiserslautern, Germany},
type = {Technical Report},
number = {370/08},
year = {2008},
month = aug,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SGM08-1.pdf}
[150] Ivan Martinovic, Paul Pichota, Matthias Wilhelm, Frank A. Zdarsky, and Jens Schmitt. Design, implementation, and performance analysis of discosec -- service pack for securing wlans. In 9th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WOWMOM 2008), pages 1--10, Newport Beach, CA, USA, June 2008. Accepted as noteworthy contribution. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Ivan Martinovic and Paul Pichota and Matthias Wilhelm and Frank A. Zdarsky and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Design, Implementation, and Performance Analysis of DiscoSec -- Service Pack for Securing WLANs},
booktitle = {9th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WOWMOM 2008)},
year = {2008},
pages = {1--10},
address = {Newport Beach, CA, USA},
month = jun,
note = {Accepted as noteworthy contribution},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/MPWZS08.pdf}
[149] Jens Schmitt, Frank A. Zdarsky, and Markus Fidler. Delay bounds under arbitrary multiplexing: When network calculus leaves you in the lurch ... In 27th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2008), Phoenix, AZ, USA, April 2008. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Frank A. Zdarsky and Markus Fidler},
title = {Delay Bounds under Arbitrary Multiplexing: When Network Calculus Leaves You in the Lurch ...},
booktitle = {27th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2008)},
year = {2008},
pages = {},
address = {Phoenix, AZ, USA},
month = apr,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SZF08-1.pdf}
[148] Jens Schmitt, Frank A. Zdarsky, and Ivan Martinovic. Improving performance bounds in feed-forward networks by paying multiplexing only once. In 14th GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modeling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (MMB 2008), Dortmund, Germany, March 2008. GI/ITG. [ ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Frank A. Zdarsky and Ivan Martinovic},
title = {Improving Performance Bounds in Feed-Forward Networks by Paying Multiplexing Only Once},
booktitle = {14th GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modeling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (MMB 2008)},
year = {2008},
pages = {},
organization = {GI/ITG},
address = {Dortmund, Germany},
month = mar
[147] Nicos Gollan, Frank A. Zdarsky, Ivan Martinovic, and Jens Schmitt. The disco network calculator. In 14th GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modeling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (MMB 2008), Dortmund, Germany, March 2008. GI/ITG. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Nicos Gollan and Frank A. Zdarsky and Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt},
title = {The DISCO Network Calculator},
booktitle = {14th GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modeling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (MMB 2008)},
year = {2008},
pages = {},
organization = {GI/ITG},
address = {Dortmund, Germany},
month = mar,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/GZMS08-1.pdf}
[146] Wint Yi Poe and Jens Schmitt. Placing multiple sinks in time-sensitive wireless sensor networks using a genetic algorithm. In 14th GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modeling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (MMB 2008), Dortmund, Germany, March 2008. GI/ITG. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Wint Yi Poe and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Placing Multiple Sinks in Time-Sensitive Wireless Sensor Networks using a Genetic Algorithm},
booktitle = {14th GI/ITG Conference on Measurement, Modeling, and Evaluation of Computer and Communication Systems (MMB 2008)},
year = {2008},
pages = {},
organization = {GI/ITG},
address = {Dortmund, Germany},
month = mar,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/PS08-1.pdf}
[145] Ivan Martinovic, Frank A. Zdarsky, Matthias Wilhelm, Christian Wegmann, and Jens Schmitt. Wireless client puzzles in ieee 802.11 networks: Security by wireless. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec 2008), pages 36--45, Alexandria, VA, USA, March 2008. ACM Press. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Ivan Martinovic and Frank A. Zdarsky and Matthias Wilhelm and Christian Wegmann and Jens Schmitt},
title = {Wireless Client Puzzles in IEEE 802.11 Networks: Security by Wireless},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Wireless Network Security (WiSec 2008)},
year = {2008},
pages = {36--45},
publisher = {ACM Press},
address = {Alexandria, VA, USA},
month = mar,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/MZWWS08.pdf}
[144] Jens Schmitt and Nicos Gollan. Worst Case Modelling of Wireless Sensor Networks. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 1:12--16, January 2008. [ ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Nicos Gollan},
title = {{Worst Case Modelling of Wireless Sensor Networks}},
journal = {Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation},
year = {2008},
volume = {1},
pages = {12--16},
month = jan,
publisher = {Fachgruppe Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme, Universität zu Lübeck}
[143] Frank A. Zdarsky and Ivan Martinovic. Radio Resource Management in IEEE 802.11-based UMA Networks. In Y. Zhang, L. T. Yang, and J. Ma, editors, Unlicensed Mobile Access Technology: Protocols, Architectures, Security, Standards and Applications. Auerbach Publications, Taylor&Francis Group, 2008. ISBN:1420055372. [ ]
author = {Frank A. Zdarsky and Ivan Martinovic},
title = {{Radio Resource Management in IEEE 802.11-based UMA Networks}},
booktitle = {{Unlicensed Mobile Access Technology: Protocols, Architectures, Security, Standards and Applications}},
publisher = {Auerbach Publications, Taylor&Francis Group},
year = {2008},
editor = {Y. Zhang and L. T. Yang and J. Ma},
note = {ISBN:1420055372.}
[142] Ivan Martinovic, Frank A. Zdarsky, Adam Bachorek, and Jens Schmitt. Security in IEEE 802.11-based UMA Networks. In Y. Zhang, L. T. Yang, and J. Ma, editors, Unlicensed Mobile Access Technology: Protocols, Architectures, Security, Standards and Applications. Auerbach Publications, Taylor&Francis Group, 2008. ISBN:1420055372. [ ]
author = {Ivan Martinovic and Frank A. Zdarsky and Adam Bachorek and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Security in IEEE 802.11-based UMA Networks}},
booktitle = {{Unlicensed Mobile Access Technology: Protocols, Architectures, Security, Standards and Applications}},
publisher = {Auerbach Publications, Taylor&Francis Group},
year = {2008},
editor = {Y. Zhang and L. T. Yang and J. Ma},
note = {ISBN:1420055372.}
[141] Jens Schmitt, Frank A. Zdarsky, and Lothar Thiele. A Comprehensive Worst-Case Calculus for Wireless Sensor Networks with In-Network Processing. In IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Tucson, AZ, USA, December 2007. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Frank A. Zdarsky and Lothar Thiele},
title = {{A Comprehensive Worst-Case Calculus for Wireless Sensor Networks with In-Network Processing}},
booktitle = {IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium},
year = {2007},
pages = {},
address = {Tucson, AZ, USA},
month = dec,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SZT07-1.pdf}
[140] Utz Roedig, Nicos Gollan, and Jens Schmitt. Validating the Sensor Network Calculus by Simulations. In 2nd Performance Control in Wireless Sensor Networks Workshop at the 2007 WICON Conference, Austin, Texas, USA, October 2007. ACM Press. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Utz Roedig and Nicos Gollan and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Validating the Sensor Network Calculus by Simulations}},
booktitle = {2nd Performance Control in Wireless Sensor Networks Workshop at the 2007 WICON Conference},
address = {Austin, Texas, USA},
publisher = {ACM Press},
year = {2007},
month = oct,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/RGS07.pdf}
[139] Nicos Gollan and Jens Schmitt. Energy-Efficient TDMA Design Under Real-Time Constraints in Wireless Sensor Networks. In 15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS'07). IEEE, October 2007. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Nicos Gollan and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Energy-Efficient TDMA Design Under Real-Time Constraints in Wireless Sensor Networks}},
booktitle = {15th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS'07)},
year = {2007},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = oct,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/GS07-1.pdf}
[138] Ivan Martinovic, Frank A. Zdarsky, and Jens Schmitt. Regional-based Authentication Against DoS Attacks in Wireless Networks. In Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Workshop on Quality of Service & Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks (in conjunction with ACM/IEEE MSWiM'07), Greece, October 2007. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Ivan Martinovic and Frank A. Zdarsky and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Regional-based Authentication Against DoS Attacks in Wireless Networks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Workshop on Quality of Service & Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks (in conjunction with ACM/IEEE MSWiM'07)},
year = {2007},
pages = {},
address = {Greece},
month = oct,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/MZS07-1.pdf}
[137] Frank A. Zdarsky, Ivan Martinovic, and Jens Schmitt. Minimizing Contention through Cooperation between Densely-Deployed Wireless LANs. Wireless Networks, Springer, ISSN 1022-0038 (Print) 1572-8196 (Online), September 2007. [ ]
author = {Frank A. Zdarsky and Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Minimizing Contention through Cooperation between Densely-Deployed Wireless LANs}},
journal = {Wireless Networks, Springer},
year = {2007},
volume = {ISSN 1022-0038 (Print) 1572-8196 (Online)},
number = {},
pages = {},
month = sep,
publisher = {Springer}
[136] Nicos Gollan and Jens Schmitt. Optimizing TDMA Design for Real-Time Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of 6. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Sensornetze, Aachen, Germany, pages 87--90, July 2007. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Nicos Gollan and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Optimizing TDMA Design for Real-Time Applications in Wireless Sensor Networks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 6. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Sensornetze, Aachen, Germany},
year = {2007},
pages = {87--90},
month = jul,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/GS07-2.pdf}
[135] Jens Schmitt, Frank A. Zdarsky, and Markus Fidler. Delay Bounds under Arbitrary Multiplexing. Technical Report 360/07, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 2007. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Frank A. Zdarsky and Markus Fidler},
title = {{Delay Bounds under Arbitrary Multiplexing}},
institution = {University of Kaiserslautern, Germany},
type = {Technical Report},
number = {360/07},
year = {2007},
month = jul,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SZF07-1.pdf}
[134] Wint Yi Poe and Jens Schmitt. Minimizing the Maximum Delay in Wireless Sensor Networks by Intelligent Sink Placement. Technical Report 362/07, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 2007. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Wint Yi Poe and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Minimizing the Maximum Delay in Wireless Sensor Networks by Intelligent Sink Placement}},
institution = {University of Kaiserslautern, Germany},
type = {Technical Report},
number = {362/07},
year = {2007},
month = jul,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SP07-1.pdf}
[133] Nicos Gollan and Jens Schmitt. On the TDMA Design Problem Under Real-Time Constraints in Wireless Sensor Networks. Technical Report 359/07, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, June 2007. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Nicos Gollan and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{On the TDMA Design Problem Under Real-Time Constraints in Wireless Sensor Networks}},
institution = {University of Kaiserslautern, Germany},
type = {Technical Report},
number = {359/07},
year = {2007},
month = jun,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/GS07-TR359.pdf}
[132] Ivan Martinovic, Frank A. Zdarsky, Adam Bachorek, Christian Jung, and Jens Schmitt. Phishing in the Wireless: Implementation and Analysis. In Proceedings of the 22nd IFIP International Information Security Conference (SEC 2007), Johannesburg, South Africa, volume Volume 232/2007, pages 145--156. Springer, May 2007. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Ivan Martinovic and Frank A. Zdarsky and Adam Bachorek and Christian Jung and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Phishing in the Wireless: Implementation and Analysis}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd IFIP International Information Security Conference (SEC 2007), Johannesburg, South Africa},
year = {2007},
editor = {},
volume = {Volume 232/2007},
number = {},
series = {},
pages = {145--156},
publisher = {Springer},
month = may,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/MZBJS07.pdf}
[131] Ivan Martinovic, Frank A. Zdarsky, Adam Bachorek, and Jens Schmitt. Measurement and Analysis of Handover Latencies in IEEE 802.11i Secured Networks. In Proceedings of the 13th European Wireless Conference (EW2007), Paris, France, April 2007. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Ivan Martinovic and Frank A. Zdarsky and Adam Bachorek and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Measurement and Analysis of Handover Latencies in IEEE 802.11i Secured Networks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 13th European Wireless Conference (EW2007), Paris, France},
year = {2007},
pages = {},
month = apr,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/MZBS07.pdf}
[130] C. K. Siew, D. Xue, Y. Qin, and Jens Schmitt. Providing deterministic quality of service in slotted optical networks. Optical Express, 14:12679--12692, December 2006. [ ]
author = {C. K. Siew and D. Xue and Y. Qin and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Providing deterministic quality of service in slotted optical networks}},
journal = {Optical Express},
year = {2006},
volume = {14},
number = {},
pages = {12679--12692},
month = dec
[129] Oliver Heckmann, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Multi-Period Resource Allocation at System Edges. Telecommunication Systems Journal, x(y), December 2006. In press. [ ]
author = {Oliver Heckmann and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Multi-Period Resource Allocation at System Edges}},
journal = {Telecommunication Systems Journal},
year = {2006},
volume = {x},
number = {y},
pages = {},
month = dec,
note = {In press.}
[128] Jens Schmitt and Frank A. Zdarsky. The DISCO Network Calculator - A Toolbox for Worst Case Analysis. In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS'06), Pisa, Italy. ACM, November 2006. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Frank A. Zdarsky},
title = {{The DISCO Network Calculator - A Toolbox for Worst Case Analysis}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the First International Conference on
Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools (VALUETOOLS'06), Pisa, Italy},
year = {2006},
pages = {},
publisher = {ACM},
month = nov,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SZ06-1.pdf}
[127] Ivan Martinovic, Frank A. Zdarsky, Adam Bachorek, Christan Jung, and Jens Schmitt. Phishing in the Wireless: Implementation and Analysis. Technical Report 367/07, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, October 2006. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Ivan Martinovic and Frank A. Zdarsky and Adam Bachorek and Christan Jung and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Phishing in the Wireless: Implementation and Analysis}},
institution = {University of Kaiserslautern, Germany},
type = {Technical Report},
number = {367/07},
year = {2006},
month = oct,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/MZBJS06.pdf}
[126] Ivan Martinovic, Frank A. Zdarsky, Adam Bachorek, and Jens Schmitt. Introduction of IEEE 802.11i and Measuring its Security vs. Performance Tradeoff. Technical Report 351/06, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, October 2006. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Ivan Martinovic and Frank A. Zdarsky and Adam Bachorek and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Introduction of IEEE 802.11i and Measuring its Security vs. Performance Tradeoff}},
institution = {University of Kaiserslautern, Germany},
type = {Technical Report},
number = {351/06},
year = {2006},
month = oct,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/MZBS06-1.pdf}
[125] Chee Kheong Siew, Daojun Xue, Yang Qin, and Jens Schmitt. A Novel Framework for Guaranteed Service Provisioning in Optical Networks. In Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Communications Systems (ICCS'06), Singapore. IEEE, October 2006. [ ]
author = {Chee Kheong Siew and Daojun Xue and Yang Qin and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{A Novel Framework for Guaranteed Service Provisioning in Optical Networks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Communications Systems (ICCS'06), Singapore},
year = {2006},
pages = {},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = oct
[124] Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt. Zu den Grenzen der Technik bei der Entwicklung von Konzepten zur Online-Betrugs-Prävention (Invited Paper). In Deutsches Forum für Kriminalprävention (DFK) Workshop Internet-Devianz, Bonn, Germany. Deutsches Forum für Kriminalprävention, October 2006. [ ]
author = {Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Zu den Grenzen der Technik bei der Entwicklung von Konzepten zur Online-Betrugs-Prävention (Invited Paper)}},
booktitle = {Deutsches Forum für Kriminalprävention (DFK) Workshop Internet-Devianz, Bonn, Germany},
year = {2006},
pages = {},
publisher = {Deutsches Forum für Kriminalprävention},
month = oct
[123] Jens Schmitt. Worst Case Modelling of Wireless Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of 1. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Performance Modelling of Self-Organizing Systems, Passau, Germany, September 2006. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Worst Case Modelling of Wireless Sensor Networks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 1. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Performance Modelling of Self-Organizing Systems, Passau, Germany},
year = {2006},
pages = {},
month = sep,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/Schmitt06-2.pdf}
[122] Frank A. Zdarsky, Ivan Martinovic, and Jens Schmitt. On Self-coordination in Wireless Community Networks. In Proceedings of the 11th IFIP International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications (PWC'06), Albacete, Spain. Springer LNCS, September 2006. [ ]
author = {Frank A. Zdarsky and Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{On Self-coordination in Wireless Community Networks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th IFIP International Conference on
Personal Wireless Communications (PWC'06), Albacete, Spain},
year = {2006},
pages = {},
publisher = {Springer LNCS},
month = sep
[121] Ivan Martinovic, Christof Leng, Frank A. Zdarsky, Andreas Mauthe, Ralf Steinmetz, and Jens Schmitt. Self-Protection in P2P Networks: Choosing the Right Neighbourhood. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems (IWSOS 2006), Passau, Germany. Springer LNCS, September 2006. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Ivan Martinovic and Christof Leng and Frank A. Zdarsky and Andreas Mauthe and Ralf Steinmetz and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Self-Protection in P2P Networks: Choosing the Right Neighbourhood}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems
(IWSOS 2006), Passau, Germany},
year = {2006},
pages = {},
publisher = {Springer LNCS},
month = sep,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/MLZ+06-1.pdf}
[120] Frank A. Zdarsky, Ivan Martinovic, and Jens Schmitt. The Case for Virtualized Wireless Access Networks. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems (IWSOS 2006), Passau, Germany. Springer LNCS, September 2006. [ ]
author = {Frank A. Zdarsky and Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{The Case for Virtualized Wireless Access Networks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems
(IWSOS 2006), Passau, Germany},
year = {2006},
pages = {},
publisher = {Springer LNCS},
month = sep
[119] Jens Schmitt. Towards Predictable Wireless Sensor Networks -- The Sensor Network Calculus. In Proceedings of 5. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Drahtlose Sensornetze, Stuttgart, Germany, pages 37--42, July 2006. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Towards Predictable Wireless Sensor Networks -- The Sensor Network Calculus}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 5. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch Drahtlose Sensornetze, Stuttgart, Germany},
year = {2006},
pages = {37--42},
month = jul,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/Schmitt06-1.pdf}
[118] Markus Fidler and Jens Schmitt. On the Way to a Distributed Systems Calculus: An End-to-End Network Calculus with Data Scaling. In ACM SIGMETRICS/Performance 2006 (SIGMETRICS'06), pages 287--298, St. Malo, France, June 2006. ACM. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Markus Fidler and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{On the Way to a Distributed Systems Calculus: An End-to-End Network Calculus with Data Scaling}},
booktitle = {ACM SIGMETRICS/Performance 2006 (SIGMETRICS'06)},
year = {2006},
pages = {287--298},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {St. Malo, France},
month = jun,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/FS06.pdf}
[117] Ivan Martinovic, Frank A. Zdarsky, and Jens Schmitt. On the Way to IEEE 802.11 DoS Resilience. In Proceedings of IFIP NETWORKING 2006, Workshop on Security and Privacy in Mobile and Wireless Networking, Coimbra, Portugal. Springer LNCS, May 2006. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Ivan Martinovic and Frank A. Zdarsky and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{On the Way to IEEE 802.11 DoS Resilience}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IFIP NETWORKING 2006, Workshop on Security and Privacy in Mobile and Wireless Networking, Coimbra, Portugal},
year = {2006},
pages = {},
publisher = {Springer LNCS},
month = may,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/MZS06-1.pdf}
[116] Jens Schmitt, Frank A. Zdarsky, and Utz Roedig. Sensor Network Calculus with Multiple Sinks. In Proceedings of IFIP NETWORKING 2006, Workshop on Performance Control in Wireless Sensor Networks, Coimbra, Portugal, pages 6--13. Springer LNCS, May 2006. ISBN 972-95988-5-1. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Frank A. Zdarsky and Utz Roedig},
title = {{Sensor Network Calculus with Multiple Sinks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IFIP NETWORKING 2006, Workshop on Performance Control in Wireless Sensor Networks, Coimbra, Portugal},
year = {2006},
pages = {6--13},
publisher = {Springer LNCS},
month = may,
note = {ISBN 972-95988-5-1},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SZR06-1.pdf}
[115] Jens Schmitt, Frank A. Zdarsky, and Ivan Martinovic. Performance Bounds in Feed-Forward Networks under Blind Multiplexing. Technical Report 349/06, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, April 2006. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Frank A. Zdarsky and Ivan Martinovic},
title = {{Performance Bounds in Feed-Forward Networks under Blind Multiplexing}},
institution = {University of Kaiserslautern, Germany},
type = {Technical Report},
number = {349/06},
year = {2006},
month = apr,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SZM06-1.pdf}
[114] Krishna Pandit, Claus Kirchner, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. A Transform for Network Calculus and Its Application to Multimedia Networking. In Proceedings of SPIE's Multimedia Computing and Networking Conference 2006 (MMCN'06), San Jose, USA. SPIE, January 2006. [ ]
author = {Krishna Pandit and Claus Kirchner and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{A Transform for Network Calculus and Its Application to Multimedia Networking}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE's Multimedia Computing and Networking Conference 2006 (MMCN'06), San Jose, USA},
year = {2006},
publisher = {SPIE},
month = jan
[113] Utz Roedig and Jens Schmitt. Multimedia and Firewalls: A Performance Perspective. ACM Multimedia Systems Journal, x(y), December 2005. In press. [ ]
author = {Utz Roedig and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Multimedia and Firewalls: A Performance Perspective}},
journal = {ACM Multimedia Systems Journal},
year = {2005},
volume = {x},
number = {y},
pages = {},
month = dec,
note = {In press.}
[112] Matthias Hollick, Parag Mogre, Tronje Krop, Hans-Peter Huth, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. M^2DR: A Near-optimal Multiclass Minimum-delay Routing Algorithm for Smart Radio Access Networks. In Proceedings of the 30th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN 2005, Sydney, Australia, November 2005. In press. [ ]
author = {Matthias Hollick and Parag Mogre and Tronje Krop and Hans-Peter Huth and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{M^{2}DR: A Near-optimal Multiclass Minimum-delay Routing Algorithm for Smart Radio Access Networks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 30th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN 2005, Sydney, Australia},
year = {2005},
pages = {},
month = nov,
note = {In press.}
[111] Frank A. Zdarsky, Ivan Martinovic, and Jens Schmitt. On Lower Bounds for MAC Layer Contention in CSMA/CA-Based Wireless Networks. In 3rd ACM/SIGMOBILE International Workshop on Foundations of Mobile Computing (DIALM-POMC'05), pages 8--16, Cologne, Germany, September 2005. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Frank A. Zdarsky and Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{On Lower Bounds for MAC Layer Contention in CSMA/CA-Based Wireless Networks}},
booktitle = {3rd ACM/SIGMOBILE International Workshop on Foundations of Mobile Computing (DIALM-POMC'05)},
year = {2005},
pages = {8--16},
address = {Cologne, Germany},
month = sep,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/ZMS05-3.pdf}
[110] Frank A. Zdarsky, Ivan Martinovic, and Jens Schmitt. Lower Bounds for Contention in CSMA/CA-based Wireless LANs. Technical Report 338/05, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 2005. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Frank A. Zdarsky and Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Lower Bounds for Contention in CSMA/CA-based Wireless LANs}},
institution = {University of Kaiserslautern, Germany},
type = {Technical Report},
number = {338/05},
year = {2005},
month = jul,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/ZMS05-1.pdf}
[109] Frank A. Zdarsky, Ivan Martinovic, and Jens Schmitt. Self-Coordination Mechanisms for Wireless Community Networks. Technical Report 339/05, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 2005. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Frank A. Zdarsky and Ivan Martinovic and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Self-Coordination Mechanisms for Wireless Community Networks}},
institution = {University of Kaiserslautern, Germany},
type = {Technical Report},
number = {339/05},
year = {2005},
month = jul,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/ZMS05-2.pdf}
[108] Oliver Heckmann and Jens Schmitt. Best-Effort Versus Reservations Revisited. In Thirteenth IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2005), Passau, Germany, pages 151--163. Springer, LNCS 3552, June 2005. ISBN 3-540-26294-6. [ DOI | ]
author = {Oliver Heckmann and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Best-Effort Versus Reservations Revisited}},
booktitle = {Thirteenth IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2005), Passau, Germany},
year = {2005},
pages = {151--163},
publisher = {Springer, LNCS 3552},
month = jun,
note = {ISBN 3-540-26294-6},
doi = {10.1007/11499169_13}
[107] Jens Schmitt and Utz Roedig. Sensor Network Calculus - A Framework for Worst Case Analysis. In Proceedings of IEEE/ACM International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS'05), Marina del Rey, USA, pages 141--154. Springer, LNCS 3560, June 2005. ISBN 3-540-26422-1. [ ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Utz Roedig},
title = {{Sensor Network Calculus - A Framework for Worst Case Analysis}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE/ACM International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS'05), Marina del Rey, USA},
year = {2005},
pages = {141--154},
publisher = {Springer, LNCS 3560},
month = jun,
note = {ISBN 3-540-26422-1}
[106] Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt. Integrated Load Estimation based on Binary Packet Marking. In Proceedings of 9th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM'05), Nice, France, May 2005. [ ]
author = {Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Integrated Load Estimation based on Binary Packet Marking}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 9th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM'05), Nice, France},
year = {2005},
pages = {},
month = may
[105] Jens Schmitt and Utz Roedig. Worst Case Dimensioning of Wireless Sensor Networks under Uncertain Topologies. In Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt'05), Workshop on Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks, Riva del Garda, Italy. IEEE, April 2005. ISBN 0-9767294-0-7. [ ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Utz Roedig},
title = {{Worst Case Dimensioning of Wireless Sensor Networks under Uncertain Topologies}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt'05), Workshop on Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks, Riva del Garda, Italy},
year = {2005},
pages = {},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = apr,
note = {ISBN 0-9767294-0-7}
[104] Paul Müller, Reinhard Gotzhein, and Jens Schmitt, editors. Tagungsband der 14. ITG/GI Fachtagung Kommunikation in verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2005), Kurzbeiträge und Workshop zu Peer-to-Peer-Systemen und -Anwendungen. Lecture Notes in Informatics. GI, March 2005. ISBN 3-88579-390-3. [ ]
editor = {Paul Müller and Reinhard Gotzhein and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Tagungsband der 14. ITG/GI Fachtagung Kommunikation in verteilten Systemen (KiVS 2005), Kurzbeitr{ä}ge und Workshop zu Peer-to-Peer-Systemen und -Anwendungen}},
publisher = {GI},
year = {2005},
volume = {},
number = {},
series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics},
edition = {},
month = mar,
note = {ISBN 3-88579-390-3}
[103] Michael Zink, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Layer Encoded Video in Scalable Adaptive Streaming. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 7(1):75--84, February 2005. [ ]
author = {Michael Zink and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Layer Encoded Video in Scalable Adaptive Streaming}},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Multimedia},
year = {2005},
volume = {7},
number = {1},
pages = {75--84},
month = feb
[102] Ralf Steinmetz, Rainer Berbner, and Ivan Martinovic. Web Services zur Unterstützung flexibler Geschäftsprozesse in der Finanzwirtschaft. In Z. Sokolovsky and S. Löschenkohl, editors, Handbuch Industrialisierung der Finanzwirtschaft. Gabler Verlag, December 2004. ISBN 3-409-12675-9. [ ]
author = {Ralf Steinmetz and Rainer Berbner and Ivan Martinovic},
title = {{Web Services zur Unterstützung flexibler Gesch{ä}ftsprozesse in der Finanzwirtschaft}},
booktitle = {Handbuch Industrialisierung der Finanzwirtschaft},
publisher = {Gabler Verlag},
year = {2004},
editor = {Z. Sokolovsky and S. Löschenkohl},
pages = {},
month = dec,
note = {ISBN 3-409-12675-9}
[101] Jens Schmitt and Frank Zdarsky. A Case for Simplicity in Providing Network Quality of Service: Class-Based Strict Priority Queueing. In Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON'04), Singapore. IEEE, November 2004. In press. [ ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Frank Zdarsky},
title = {{A Case for Simplicity in Providing Network Quality of Service: Class-Based Strict Priority Queueing}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON'04), Singapore},
year = {2004},
pages = {},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = nov,
note = {In press.}
[100] Ivan Martinovic, Manuel Goertz, Ralf Ackermann, Andreas Mauthe, and Ralf Steinmetz. Trust and Context: Complementary Concepts for Creating Spontaneous Networks and Intelligent Applications. In Proceedings of SoftCOM'04, International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, Croatia, October 2004. [ ]
author = {Ivan Martinovic and Manuel Goertz and Ralf Ackermann and Andreas Mauthe and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Trust and Context: Complementary Concepts for Creating Spontaneous Networks and Intelligent Applications}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of SoftCOM'04, International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, Croatia},
year = {2004},
pages = {},
month = oct
[99] Matthias Hollick, Ivan Martinovic, Tronje Krop, and Ivica Rimac. A Survey on Dependable Routing in Sensor Networks, Ad hoc Networks, and Cellular Networks. In Proceedings of the 30th IEEE EUROMICRO Conference, Rennes, France, pages 495--502. IEEE, September 2004. ISBN 0-7695-2199-1. [ ]
author = {Matthias Hollick and Ivan Martinovic and Tronje Krop and Ivica Rimac},
title = {{A Survey on Dependable Routing in Sensor Networks, Ad hoc Networks, and Cellular Networks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 30th IEEE EUROMICRO Conference, Rennes, France},
year = {2004},
pages = {495--502},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = sep,
note = {ISBN 0-7695-2199-1}
[98] Frank A. Zdarsky and Jens Schmitt. Handover in Mobile Communication Networks: Who is in Control Anyway? In Proceedings of the 30th IEEE EUROMICRO Conference (Multimedia and Telecommunications Track), Rennes, France, pages 205--212. IEEE, September 2004. ISBN 0-7695-2199-1. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Frank A. Zdarsky and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Handover in Mobile Communication Networks: Who is in Control Anyway?}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 30th IEEE EUROMICRO Conference (Multimedia and Telecommunications Track), Rennes, France},
year = {2004},
pages = {205--212},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = sep,
note = {ISBN 0-7695-2199-1},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/ZS04-2.pdf}
[97] Oliver Heckmann, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Optimizing Interconnection Policies. Computer Networks, 46(1):19--39, September 2004. ISSN 1389-1286. [ ]
author = {Oliver Heckmann and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Optimizing Interconnection Policies}},
journal = {Computer Networks},
year = {2004},
volume = {46},
number = {1},
pages = {19--39},
month = sep,
note = {ISSN 1389-1286}
[96] Ralf Steinmetz, Andreas Mauthe, Ivica Crnkovic, Magnus Larsson, Paul Müller, Jens Schmitt, Stefan Biffl, and Paul Grünbacher, editors. Proceedings of the 30th EUROMICRO Conference (EUROMICRO 2004). IEEE, August 2004. ISBN 0-7695-2199-1. [ ]
editor = {Ralf Steinmetz and Andreas Mauthe and Ivica Crnkovic and Magnus Larsson and Paul Müller and Jens Schmitt and Stefan Biffl and Paul Grünbacher},
title = {{Proceedings of the 30th EUROMICRO Conference (EUROMICRO 2004)}},
publisher = {IEEE},
year = {2004},
volume = {},
number = {},
series = {},
edition = {},
month = aug,
note = {ISBN 0-7695-2199-1}
[95] Oliver Heckmann and Jens Schmitt. Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Zugangskontrolle für einen Datenstrom. Deutsche Patentanmeldung 10 2004 038475.4, August 2004. [ ]
author = {Oliver Heckmann and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Zugangskontrolle für einen Datenstrom}},
howpublished = {Deutsche Patentanmeldung 10 2004 038475.4},
year = {2004},
month = aug,
type = patent
[94] Michael Zink, Jens Schmitt, and Carsten Griwodz. Layer-Encoded Video Streaming: A Proxy's Perspective. IEEE Communications Magazine, 42(8):88--95, August 2004. [ ]
author = {Michael Zink and Jens Schmitt and Carsten Griwodz},
title = {{Layer-Encoded Video Streaming: A Proxy's Perspective}},
journal = {IEEE Communications Magazine},
year = {2004},
volume = {42},
number = {8},
pages = {88--95},
month = aug
[93] Meehae Song, Thomas Elias, Ivan Martinovic, Wolfgang Müller-Wittig, and Tony K.Y. Chan. Digital Heritage Application as an Edutainment Tool. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry, pages 163--167. ACM Press, June 2004. ISBN 1-58113-884-9. [ ]
author = {Meehae Song and Thomas Elias and Ivan Martinovic and Wolfgang Müller-Wittig and Tony K.Y. Chan},
title = {{Digital Heritage Application as an Edutainment Tool}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry},
year = {2004},
pages = {163--167},
publisher = {ACM Press},
month = jun,
note = {ISBN 1-58113-884-9}
[92] Frank A. Zdarsky and Jens Schmitt. Enhancing Mobile QoS Based on Movement Contracts. In Twelfth IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2004), Montreal, Canada, pages 3--9. IEEE, June 2004. ISBN 0-7803-8277-3. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Frank A. Zdarsky and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Enhancing Mobile QoS Based on Movement Contracts}},
booktitle = {Twelfth IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2004), Montreal, Canada},
year = {2004},
pages = {3--9},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = jun,
note = {ISBN 0-7803-8277-3},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/ZS04-1.pdf}
[91] Krishna Pandit, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Network Calculus meets Queueing Theory - A Simulation Based Approach to Bounded Queues. In Twelfth IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2004), Montreal, Canada, pages 114--118. IEEE, June 2004. ISBN 0-7803-8277-3. [ ]
author = {Krishna Pandit and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Network Calculus meets Queueing Theory - A Simulation Based Approach to Bounded Queues}},
booktitle = {Twelfth IEEE International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2004), Montreal, Canada},
year = {2004},
pages = {114--118},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = jun,
note = {ISBN 0-7803-8277-3}
[90] Matthias Hollick, Jens Schmitt, Christian Seipl, and Ralf Steinmetz. On the Effect of Node Misbehavior in Ad Hoc Networks. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). IEEE, June 2004. In press. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Matthias Hollick and Jens Schmitt and Christian Seipl and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{On the Effect of Node Misbehavior in Ad Hoc Networks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)},
year = {2004},
pages = {},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = jun,
note = {In press},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/HSSS04-2.pdf}
[89] Matthias Hollick, Tronje Krop, Jens Schmitt, Hans-Peter Huth, and Ralf Steinmetz. Modeling Mobility and Workload for Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks. Computer Communications, 27(8):751--761, May 2004. ISSN 0140-3664. [ ]
author = {Matthias Hollick and Tronje Krop and Jens Schmitt and Hans-Peter Huth and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Modeling Mobility and Workload for Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks}},
journal = {Computer Communications},
year = {2004},
volume = {27},
number = {8},
pages = {751--761},
month = may,
note = {ISSN 0140-3664}
[88] Utz Roedig and Jens Schmitt. Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Firewall Architectures for Multimedia Applications. In Proceedings of NETWORKING 2004, Athens, Greece. Springer LNCS, May 2004. In press. [ ]
author = {Utz Roedig and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Firewall Architectures for Multimedia Applications}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of NETWORKING 2004, Athens, Greece},
year = {2004},
pages = {},
publisher = {Springer LNCS},
month = may,
note = {In press}
[87] Matthias Hollick, Jens Schmitt, Christian Seipl, and Ralf Steinmetz. The Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Protocol: An Analytical Model of the Route Acquisition Process. In Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications, WWIC 2004, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. Springer LNCS, February 2004. In press. [ ]
author = {Matthias Hollick and Jens Schmitt and Christian Seipl and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{The Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Protocol: An Analytical Model of the Route Acquisition Process}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications, {WWIC} 2004, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany},
year = {2004},
pages = {},
publisher = {Springer LNCS},
month = feb,
note = {In press}
[86] Nicole Berier, Martin Karsten, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. A Modular Approach to Mobile QoS Signalling - Motivation, Design & Implementation. Multimedia Tools and Applications (Special Issue on Mobile Multimedia and Communications and m-Commerce), 22(2):109--127, February 2004. ISSN 1380-7501. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Nicole Berier and Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{A Modular Approach to Mobile QoS Signalling - Motivation, Design & Implementation}},
journal = {Multimedia Tools and Applications (Special Issue on Mobile Multimedia and Communications and m-Commerce)},
year = {2004},
volume = {22},
number = {2},
pages = {109--127},
month = feb,
note = {ISSN 1380-7501},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BKSS04-1.pdf}
[85] Michael Zink, Oliver Heckmann, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Polishing: A Technique to Reduce Variations in Cached Layer-Encoded Video. In Proceedings of SPIE's Multimedia Computing and Networking Conference, January 2004. In press. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Michael Zink and Oliver Heckmann and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Polishing: A Technique to Reduce Variations in Cached Layer-Encoded Video}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE's Multimedia Computing and Networking Conference},
year = {2004},
pages = {},
month = jan,
note = {In press},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/ZHSS04-1.pdf}
[84] Jens Schmitt, Paul Hurley, Matthias Hollick, and Ralf Steinmetz. Per-flow Guarantees under Class-Based Priority Queueing. In Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 2003 (GLOBECOM'03), San Francisco, CA, USA, pages 4169--4175. IEEE, December 2003. ISBN 0-7803-7974-8. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Paul Hurley and Matthias Hollick and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Per-flow Guarantees under Class-Based Priority Queueing}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 2003 (GLOBECOM'03), San Francisco, CA, USA},
year = {2003},
pages = {4169--4175},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = dec,
note = {ISBN 0-7803-7974-8},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SHHS03-1.pdf}
[83] Oliver Heckmann, Krishna Pandit, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. KOM ScenGen - The Swiss Army Knife For Simulation And Emulation Experiments. In Proceedings of The International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems. Springer LNCS, November 2003. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Oliver Heckmann and Krishna Pandit and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{KOM ScenGen - The Swiss Army Knife For Simulation And Emulation Experiments}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of The International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems},
year = {2003},
publisher = {Springer LNCS},
month = nov,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/HPSS03-1.pdf}
[82] Ivica Rimac, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Observations on Equation-based Estimation of TCP-compatible Rate for Multi-rate Multicast Scenarios. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems (MIPS 2003). Springer LNCS, November 2003. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Ivica Rimac and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Observations on Equation-based Estimation of TCP-compatible Rate for Multi-rate Multicast Scenarios}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multimedia Interactive Protocols and Systems ({MIPS} 2003)},
year = {2003},
publisher = {Springer LNCS},
month = nov,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/RSS03-1.pdf}
[81] Meehae Song, Thomas Elias, Ivan Martinovic, Wolfgang Müller-Wittig, and Tony K.Y. Chan. User-Centred Virtual Avatars in Real-time. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM 2003), Montreal, Canada, October 2003. [ ]
author = {Meehae Song and Thomas Elias and Ivan Martinovic and Wolfgang Müller-Wittig and Tony K.Y. Chan},
title = {{User-Centred Virtual Avatars in Real-time}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM 2003), Montreal, Canada},
year = {2003},
pages = {},
month = oct
[80] Matthias Hollick, Tronje Krop, Jens Schmitt, Hans-Peter Huth, and Ralf Steinmetz. Comparative Analysis of Quality of Service Routing in Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks. In Proceedings of the 28th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN 2003, Bonn/K"onigswinter, Germany, pages 470--479, October 2003. ISBN 0-7695-2037-5. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Matthias Hollick and Tronje Krop and Jens Schmitt and Hans-Peter Huth and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Comparative Analysis of Quality of Service Routing in Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, LCN 2003, Bonn/K"onigswinter, Germany},
year = {2003},
pages = {470--479},
month = oct,
note = {ISBN 0-7695-2037-5},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/HKS+03-2.pdf}
[79] Oliver Heckmann, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. On Interconnection Models and Strategies. In Proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research (ICECR-6), October 2003. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Oliver Heckmann and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{On Interconnection Models and Strategies}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on Electronic Commerce Research (ICECR-6)},
year = {2003},
month = oct,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/HSS03-2.pdf}
[78] Matthias Hollick, Tronje Krop, Jens Schmitt, Hans-Peter Huth, and Ralf Steinmetz. A Hybrid Workload Model for Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks. In Proceedings of 49th IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC-Fall 2003, Orlando, FL, USA, October 2003. In press. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Matthias Hollick and Tronje Krop and Jens Schmitt and Hans-Peter Huth and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{A Hybrid Workload Model for Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 49th IEEE Semiannual Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC-Fall 2003, Orlando, FL, USA},
year = {2003},
month = oct,
note = {In press},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/HKS+03-1.pdf}
[77] Krishna Pandit, Jens Schmitt, Martin Karsten, and Ralf Steinmetz. Bottleneck Estimation for Load Control Gateways. In 11th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems, pages 279--286, October 2003. ISBN 0-7695-2039-1. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Krishna Pandit and Jens Schmitt and Martin Karsten and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Bottleneck Estimation for Load Control Gateways}},
booktitle = {11th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems},
year = {2003},
pages = {279--286},
month = oct,
note = {ISBN 0-7695-2039-1},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/PSKS03-2.pdf}
[76] Giwon On, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. The Effectiveness of Realistic Replication Strategies on Quality of Availability for Peer-to-Peer Systems. In Proceedings Third International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P'03), pages 57--64. IEEE, September 2003. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Giwon On and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{The Effectiveness of Realistic Replication Strategies on Quality of Availability for Peer-to-Peer Systems}},
booktitle = {Proceedings Third International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P'03)},
year = {2003},
pages = {57--64},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = sep,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/OSS03-3.pdf}
[75] Michael Zink, Oliver Heckmann, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Polishing: A Technique to Reduce Variations in Cached Layer-Encoded Video. In Proceedings of the 29th Euromicro, Belek-Antalya, Turkey, pages 249--254, September 2003. ISBN 0-7695-1996-2. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Michael Zink and Oliver Heckmann and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Polishing: A Technique to Reduce Variations in Cached Layer-Encoded Video}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 29th Euromicro, Belek-Antalya, Turkey},
year = {2003},
pages = {249--254},
month = sep,
note = {ISBN 0-7695-1996-2},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/ZHSS03-1.pdf}
[74] Oliver Heckmann, Michael Piringer, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. On Realistic Network Topologies . In Proceedings of the SIGCOMM Workshop on Models, Methods and Tools for Reproducible Network Research (SIGCOMM MoMeTools), pages 28--32. ACM, August 2003. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Oliver Heckmann and Michael Piringer and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{On Realistic Network Topologies }},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the {SIGCOMM} Workshop on Models, Methods and Tools for Reproducible Network Research (SIGCOMM MoMeTools)},
year = {2003},
pages = {28-32},
publisher = {ACM},
month = aug,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/HPSS03-2.pdf}
[73] Oliver Heckmann, Michael Piringer, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Generating Realistic ISP-Level Network Topologies. IEEE Communications Letters, 7(7):335--337, July 2003. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Oliver Heckmann and Michael Piringer and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Generating Realistic ISP-Level Network Topologies}},
journal = {IEEE Communications Letters},
year = {2003},
volume = {7},
number = {7},
pages = {335-337},
month = jul,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/HPSS03-3.pdf}
[72] Krishna Pandit, Jens Schmitt, Martin Karsten, and Ralf Steinmetz. Bottleneck Estimation for Load Control Gateways - Extended Version. Technical Report TR-KOM-2003-06, Multimedia Communications Lab, Darmstadt University of Technology, July 2003. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Krishna Pandit and Jens Schmitt and Martin Karsten and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Bottleneck Estimation for Load Control Gateways - Extended Version}},
institution = {Multimedia Communications Lab, Darmstadt University of Technology},
year = {2003},
number = {TR-KOM-2003-06},
month = jul,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/PSKS03-1.pdf}
[71] Jens Schmitt. On Average and Worst Case Behaviour in Non-preemptive Priority Queueing. In Proceedings of 2003 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'03), Montreal, Canada, pages 197--204. SCS, July 2003. ISBN 1-56555-269-5. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt},
title = {{On Average and Worst Case Behaviour in Non-preemptive Priority Queueing}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 2003 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'03), Montreal, Canada},
year = {2003},
pages = {197--204},
publisher = {SCS},
month = jul,
note = {ISBN 1-56555-269-5},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/Schmitt03-2.pdf}
[70] Michael Zink, Oliver Künzel, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Subjective Impression of Variations in Layer Encoded Videos. In Eleventh International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2003), Monterey, CA, USA. Springer LNCS, June 2003. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Michael Zink and Oliver Künzel and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Subjective Impression of Variations in Layer Encoded Videos}},
booktitle = {Eleventh International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2003), Monterey, CA, USA},
year = {2003},
publisher = {Springer LNCS},
month = jun,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/ZKSS03-1.pdf}
[69] Giwon On, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Quality of Availability: Replica Placement for Widely Distributed Systems. In Eleventh International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2003), Monterey, CA, USA, pages 325--342. Springer LNCS, June 2003. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Giwon On and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Quality of Availability: Replica Placement for Widely Distributed Systems}},
booktitle = {Eleventh International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS 2003), Monterey, CA, USA},
year = {2003},
pages = {325--342},
publisher = {Springer LNCS},
month = jun,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/OSS03-2.pdf}
[68] Jens Schmitt. Translation of Specification Units Between IP and ATM Quality of Service Declarations. Wiley's International Journal of Communication Systems, 16(4):291--310, May 2003. ISSN 1074-5351. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Translation of Specification Units Between IP and ATM Quality of Service Declarations}},
journal = {Wiley's International Journal of Communication Systems},
year = {2003},
volume = {16},
number = {4},
pages = {291--310},
month = may,
note = {ISSN 1074-5351},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/Schmitt03-1.pdf}
[67] Giwon On, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. QoS-Controlled Dynamic Replication in Peer-to-Peer Systems. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation, 3(2):96--101, April 2003. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Giwon On and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{QoS-Controlled Dynamic Replication in Peer-to-Peer Systems}},
journal = {Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation},
year = {2003},
volume = {3},
number = {2},
pages = {96--101},
month = apr,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/OSS03-1.pdf}
[66] Ivica Rimac, Wolfram Liese, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Equation-Based Approach to TCP-Compatible Multicast Congestion Control for Layered Transmission in Low-Multiplexing Environments. In Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC 2003). IEEE, April 2003. [ ]
author = {Ivica Rimac and Wolfram Liese and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Equation-Based Approach to TCP-Compatible Multicast Congestion Control for Layered Transmission in Low-Multiplexing Environments}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference ({IPCCC 2003})},
year = {2003},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = apr
[65] Susanne Strahringer and Frank Zdarsky. IT-Integration bei strategischen Unternehmensbeteiligungen - Technologische Optionen und Vorgehensweisen. In Hans-Jürgen Wurl, editor, Industrielles Beteiligungscontrolling, pages 523--554. Schäffer-Poeschel, February 2003. ISBN 3-7910-1988-0. [ ]
author = {Susanne Strahringer and Frank Zdarsky},
title = {{IT-Integration bei strategischen Unternehmensbeteiligungen - Technologische Optionen und Vorgehensweisen}},
booktitle = {Industrielles Beteiligungscontrolling},
publisher = {Sch{ä}ffer-Poeschel},
year = {2003},
editor = {Hans-Jürgen Wurl},
pages = {523--554},
month = feb,
note = {ISBN 3-7910-1988-0}
[64] Jens Schmitt, Michael Zink, Steffen Theiss, and Ralf Steinmetz. A Reflective Server Design to Speedup TCP-friendly Media Transmissions at Start-Up. In Tagungsband Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 2003 (KiVS'03), Leipzig, Germany, pages 69--80. Springer Informatik Aktuell, February 2003. ISBN 3-540-00365-7. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Michael Zink and Steffen Theiss and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{A Reflective Server Design to Speedup TCP-friendly Media Transmissions at Start-Up}},
booktitle = {Tagungsband Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 2003 (KiVS'03), Leipzig, Germany},
year = {2003},
pages = {69--80},
publisher = {Springer Informatik Aktuell},
month = feb,
note = {ISBN 3-540-00365-7},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SZTS03-1.pdf}
[63] Michael Zink, Carsten Griwodz, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Scalable TCP-friendly Video Distribution for Heterogeneous Clients. In Proceedings of SPIE's Multimedia Computing and Networking Conference 2003 (MMCN'03), Santa Clara, USA, pages 102--113. SPIE, January 2003. ISBN 0-8194-4819-2. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Michael Zink and Carsten Griwodz and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Scalable TCP-friendly Video Distribution for Heterogeneous Clients}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE's Multimedia Computing and Networking Conference 2003 (MMCN'03), Santa Clara, USA},
year = {2003},
pages = {102--113},
publisher = {SPIE},
month = jan,
note = {ISBN 0-8194-4819-2},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/ZGSS03-1.pdf}
[62] Oliver Heckmann, Michael Piringer, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. How to use Topology Generators to create realistic Topologies. Technical Report TR-KOM-2002-07, Multimedia Communications (KOM), Darmstadt University of Technology, December 2002. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Oliver Heckmann and Michael Piringer and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{How to use Topology Generators to create realistic Topologies}},
institution = {Multimedia Communications (KOM), Darmstadt University of Technology},
year = {2002},
number = {TR-KOM-2002-07},
month = dec,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/HPSS02-1.pdf}
[61] Giwon On, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. On Availability QoS for Replicated Multimedia Service and Content. In Proceedings of International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems 2002 (IDMS-PROMS02), Coimbra, Portugal, pages 313--326. Springer LNCS 2515, November 2002. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Giwon On and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{On Availability QoS for Replicated Multimedia Service and Content}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems 2002 (IDMS-PROMS02), Coimbra, Portugal},
year = {2002},
pages = {313-326},
publisher = {Springer LNCS 2515},
month = nov,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/OSS02-1.pdf}
[60] Jens Schmitt. On the Allocation of Network Service Curves for Bandwidth/Delay-Decoupled Scheduling Disciplines. In Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 2002 (GLOBECOM 2002), Taipei, Taiwan, pages 1544--1548. IEEE, November 2002. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt},
title = {{On the Allocation of Network Service Curves for Bandwidth/Delay-Decoupled Scheduling Disciplines}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 2002 (GLOBECOM 2002), Taipei, Taiwan},
year = {2002},
pages = {1544--1548},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = nov,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/Schmitt02-2.pdf}
[59] Oliver Heckmann, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Peer-to-Peer Tauschb"orsen: Eine Protokollübersicht. Technical Report TR-KOM-2002-06, Multimedia Communications (KOM), Darmstadt University of Technology, November 2002. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Oliver Heckmann and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Peer-to-Peer Tauschb{"o}rsen: Eine Protokollübersicht}},
institution = {Multimedia Communications (KOM), Darmstadt University of Technology},
year = {2002},
number = {TR-KOM-2002-06},
month = nov,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/HSS02-3.pdf}
[58] Oliver Heckmann, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Multi-Period Resource Allocation at System Edges. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Modelling and Analysis (ICTSM10) Monterey, USA, pages 1--25, October 2002. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Oliver Heckmann and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Multi-Period Resource Allocation at System Edges}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Modelling and Analysis (ICTSM10) Monterey, USA},

year = {2002},
pages = {1--25},
month = oct,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/HSS02-2.pdf}
[57] Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt. Market-Based Resource Allocation for Packet-Switched Networks. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Modelling and Analysis (ICTSM10), Monterey, USA, pages 52--62, October 2002. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Market-Based Resource Allocation for Packet-Switched Networks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems Modelling and Analysis (ICTSM10), Monterey, USA},
year = {2002},
pages = {52--62},
month = oct,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/KS02-7.pdf}
[56] Ivica Rimac, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Is Dynamic Multi-Rate Multicast Worthwhile the Effort? In Proceedings of the 28th EUROMICRO Conference 2002 (Multimedia and Telecommunications Track), Dortmund, Germany, pages 233--239. IEEE, September 2002. ISBN 0-7695-1787-0. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Ivica Rimac and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Is Dynamic Multi-Rate Multicast Worthwhile the Effort?}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 28th EUROMICRO Conference 2002 (Multimedia and Telecommunications Track), Dortmund, Germany},
year = {2002},
pages = {233--239},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = sep,
note = {ISBN 0-7695-1787-0},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/RSS02-1.pdf}
[55] Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt. Market-Based Resource Allocation in Packet-Switched Networks. Technical Report TR-KOM-2002-04, Darmstadt University of Technology, August 2002. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Market-Based Resource Allocation in Packet-Switched Networks}},
institution = {Darmstadt University of Technology},
year = {2002},
number = {TR-KOM-2002-04},
month = aug,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/KS02-8.pdf}
[54] Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt. Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Last in einem Kommunikationsnetz. Deutsche Patentanmeldung 102 36 108.8, July 2002. [ ]
author = {Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Last in einem Kommunikationsnetz}},
howpublished = {Deutsche Patentanmeldung 102 36 108.8},
year = {2002},
type = patent,
month = jul
[53] Krishna Pandit, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Aggregation of Heterogeneous Real-Time Flows with Statistical Guarantees. In Procceedings of 2002 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'02), San Diego, USA, pages 57--64. SCS, July 2002. ISBN 1-56555-252-0. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Krishna Pandit and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Aggregation of Heterogeneous Real-Time Flows with Statistical Guarantees}},
booktitle = {Procceedings of 2002 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'02), San Diego, USA},
year = {2002},
pages = {57--64},
publisher = {SCS},
month = jul,
note = {ISBN 1-56555-252-0},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/PSS02-1.pdf}
[52] Jens Schmitt, Oliver Heckmann, Martin Karsten, and Ralf Steinmetz. Decoupling Different Time Scales of Network QoS Systems. Computer Communications (Special Issue on Advances in Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunications Networking), 25(11-12):1047--1057, July 2002. ISSN 0140-3664. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Oliver Heckmann and Martin Karsten and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Decoupling Different Time Scales of Network QoS Systems}},
journal = {Computer Communications (Special Issue on Advances in Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunications Networking)},
year = {2002},
volume = {25},
number = {11-12},
pages = {1047--1057},
month = jul,
note = {ISSN 0140-3664},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SHKS02-1.pdf}
[51] Jens Schmitt, Michael Zink, Steffen Theiss, and Ralf Steinmetz. Improving the Start-Up Behaviour of TCP-Friendly Media Transmissions. In Proceedings of the International Network Conference (INC'02), Plymouth, UK, pages 73--80, July 2002. ISBN 1-84102-105-9. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Michael Zink and Steffen Theiss and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Improving the Start-Up Behaviour of TCP-Friendly Media Transmissions}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Network Conference (INC'02), Plymouth, UK},
year = {2002},
pages = {73--80},
month = jul,
note = {ISBN 1-84102-105-9},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SZTS02-1.pdf}
[50] Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt. Admission Control based on Packet Marking and Feedback Signalling ? Mechanisms, Implementation and Experiments. Technical Report TR-KOM-2002-03, Darmstadt University of Technology, May 2002. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Admission Control based on Packet Marking and Feedback Signalling ? Mechanisms, Implementation and Experiments}},
institution = {Darmstadt University of Technology},
year = {2002},
number = {TR-KOM-2002-03},
month = may,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/KS02-5.pdf}
[49] Oliver Heckmann, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Robust Bandwidth Allocation Strategies. In Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Quality of Service 2002 (IWQoS'02), Miami, USA, pages 138--147. IEEE, May 2002. ISBN 0-7803-7426-6. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Oliver Heckmann and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Robust Bandwidth Allocation Strategies}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Quality of Service 2002 (IWQoS'02), Miami, USA},
year = {2002},
pages = {138--147},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = may,
note = {ISBN 0-7803-7426-6},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/HSS02-1.pdf}
[48] Michael Zink, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Retransmission Scheduling in Layered Video Caches. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications 2002 (ICC 2002), New York, USA, pages 2474--2478. IEEE, April 2002. ISBN 0-7803-7400-2. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Michael Zink and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Retransmission Scheduling in Layered Video Caches}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications 2002 (ICC 2002), New York, USA},
year = {2002},
pages = {2474--2478},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = apr,
note = {ISBN 0-7803-7400-2},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/ZSS02-1.pdf}
[47] Michael Zink, Oliver Künzel, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Subjective Impression of Variations in Layer Encoded Videos. Technical Report 4, KOM - TU Darmstadt, April 2002. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Michael Zink and Oliver Künzel and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Subjective Impression of Variations in Layer Encoded Videos}},
institution = {KOM - TU Darmstadt},
year = {2002},
number = {4},
month = apr,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/ZKSS02-1.pdf}
[46] Jens Schmitt. Optimal Network Service Curves under Bandwidth-Delay Decoupling. IEE Electronics Letters, 38(6):297--299, March 2002. ISSN 0013-5194. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Optimal Network Service Curves under Bandwidth-Delay Decoupling}},
journal = {IEE Electronics Letters},
year = {2002},
volume = {38},
number = {6},
pages = {297--299},
month = mar,
note = {ISSN 0013-5194},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/Schmitt02-1.pdf}
[45] Jens Schmitt, Lars Wolf, Martin Karsten, and Ralf Steinmetz. VC Management for Heterogeneous QoS Multicast Transmissions. Telecommunication Systems, 19(2):227--247, February 2002. ISSN 1018-4864. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Lars Wolf and Martin Karsten and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{VC Management for Heterogeneous QoS Multicast Transmissions}},
journal = {Telecommunication Systems},
year = {2002},
volume = {19},
number = {2},
pages = {227--247},
month = feb,
note = {ISSN 1018-4864},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SWKS02-1.pdf}
[44] Michael Zink, Carsten Griwodz, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Exploiting the Fair Share to Smoothly Transport Layered Encoded Video into Proxy Caches. In Proceedings of SPIE's Multimedia Computing and Networking Conference 2002 (MMCN'02), San Jose, USA, pages 61--72. SPIE, January 2002. ISBN 0-8194-4413-8. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Michael Zink and Carsten Griwodz and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Exploiting the Fair Share to Smoothly Transport Layered Encoded Video into Proxy Caches}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of SPIE's Multimedia Computing and Networking Conference 2002 (MMCN'02), San Jose, USA},
year = {2002},
pages = {61--72},
publisher = {SPIE},
month = jan,
note = {ISBN 0-8194-4413-8},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/ZGSS02-1.pdf}
[43] Michael Zink, Carsten Griwodz, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Scalable TCP-friendly Video Distribution for Heterogeneous Clients. Technical Report TR-KOM-2002-1, Darmstadt University of Technology, January 2002. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Michael Zink and Carsten Griwodz and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Scalable TCP-friendly Video Distribution for Heterogeneous Clients}},
institution = {Darmstadt University of Technology},
year = {2002},
number = {TR-KOM-2002-1},
month = jan,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/ZGSS02-2.pdf}
[42] Oliver Heckmann, Frederic Rohmer, and Jens Schmitt. The Token Bucket Allocation and Reallocation Problems (MPRASE Token Bucket). Technical Report TR-KOM-2001-12, Darmstadt University of Technology, December 2001. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Oliver Heckmann and Frederic Rohmer and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{The Token Bucket Allocation and Reallocation Problems (MPRASE Token Bucket)}},
institution = {Darmstadt University of Technology},
year = {2001},
number = {TR-KOM-2001-12},
month = dec,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/HRS01-1.pdf}
[41] Oliver Heckmann, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Multi-Period Resource Allocation at System Edges - Capacity Management in a Multi-Provider Multi-Service Internet. In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN'01), Tampa, USA, pages 416--425. IEEE, November 2001. ISBN 0-7695-1312-2. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Oliver Heckmann and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Multi-Period Resource Allocation at System Edges - Capacity Management in a Multi-Provider Multi-Service Internet}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN'01), Tampa, USA},
year = {2001},
pages = {416--425},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = nov,
note = {ISBN 0-7695-1312-2},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/HSS01-1.pdf}
[40] Giwon On, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. The Quality of Availability: Tackling the Replica Placement Problem. Technical Report TR-KOM-2001-11, Darmstadt University of Technology, November 2001. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Giwon On and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{The Quality of Availability: Tackling the Replica Placement Problem}},
institution = {Darmstadt University of Technology},
year = {2001},
number = {TR-KOM-2001-11},
month = nov,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/OSS01-2.pdf}
[39] Jens Schmitt, Frank Zdarsky, Martin Karsten, and Ralf Steinmetz. Heterogeneous Multicast in Heterogeneous QoS Networks. In Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON'01), Bangkok, Thailand, pages 349--355. IEEE, October 2001. ISBN 0-7695-1186-4. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Frank Zdarsky and Martin Karsten and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Heterogeneous Multicast in Heterogeneous QoS Networks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON'01), Bangkok, Thailand},
year = {2001},
pages = {349--355},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = oct,
note = {ISBN 0-7695-1186-4},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SZKS01-1.pdf}
[38] Giwon On, Jens Schmitt, Michael Liepert, and Ralf Steinmetz. Replication with QoS support for a Distributed Multimedia System. In Proceedings of the 27th EUROMICRO Conference (Workshop on Multimedia and Telecommunications), Warszaw, Poland. IEEE, September 2001. ISBN 0-7695-1236-4. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Giwon On and Jens Schmitt and Michael Liepert and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Replication with QoS support for a Distributed Multimedia System}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th EUROMICRO Conference (Workshop on Multimedia and Telecommunications), Warszaw, Poland},
year = {2001},
pages = {},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = sep,
note = {ISBN 0-7695-1236-4},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/OSLS01-1.pdf}
[37] Giwon On, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Design and Implementation of a QoS-aware Replication Mechanism for a Distributed Multimedia System. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems 2001 (IDMS'01), Lancaster, UK, pages 38--49. Springer LNCS 2158, September 2001. ISBN 3-540-42530. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Giwon On and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Design and Implementation of a QoS-aware Replication Mechanism for a Distributed Multimedia System}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems 2001 (IDMS'01), Lancaster, UK},
year = {2001},
pages = {38--49},
publisher = {Springer LNCS 2158},
month = sep,
note = {ISBN 3-540-42530},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/OSS01-1.pdf}
[36] Oliver Heckmann and Jens Schmitt. A Taxonomy for Multi-Period Resource Allocation Problems at System Edges (MPRASE Taxonomy). Technical Report TR-KOM-2001-09, Darmstadt University of Technology, September 2001. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Oliver Heckmann and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{A Taxonomy for Multi-Period Resource Allocation Problems at System Edges (MPRASE Taxonomy)}},
institution = {Darmstadt University of Technology},
year = {2001},
number = {TR-KOM-2001-09},
month = sep,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/HS01-1.pdf}
[35] Jens Schmitt, Oliver Heckmann, Martin Karsten, and Ralf Steinmetz. Decoupling Different Time Scales of Network QoS Systems. In Proceedings of the 2001 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'01), Orlando, USA, pages 428--435. Society for Modelling and Simulation International, July 2001. ISBN 1-56555-240-7. (Received best paper award.). [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Oliver Heckmann and Martin Karsten and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Decoupling Different Time Scales of Network QoS Systems}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2001 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (SPECTS'01), Orlando, USA},
year = {2001},
pages = {428--435},
publisher = {Society for Modelling and Simulation International},
month = jul,
note = {ISBN 1-56555-240-7. (Received best paper award.)},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SHKS01-1.pdf}
[34] Giwon On, Michael Zink, Michael Liepert, Carsten Griwodz, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Replication for a Distributed Multimedia System. In Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'01), Kyongju City, Korea, pages 377--384. IEEE, June 2001. ISBN 0-7695-1153-8. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Giwon On and Michael Zink and Michael Liepert and Carsten Griwodz and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Replication for a Distributed Multimedia System}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'01), Kyongju City, Korea},
year = {2001},
pages = {377--384},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = jun,
note = {ISBN 0-7695-1153-8},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/OZL+01-1.pdf}
[33] Jens Schmitt. Heterogeneous Network Quality of Service Systems. Kluwer Academic Publishers, June 2001. ISBN 0-793-7410-X. [ ]
author = {Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Heterogeneous Network Quality of Service Systems}},
publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
year = {2001},
volume = {},
number = {},
series = {},
edition = {},
month = jun,
note = {ISBN 0-793-7410-X}
[32] Michael Zink, Carsten Griwodz, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Exploiting the Fair Share to Smoothly Transport Layered Encoded Video into Proxy Caches. Technical Report TR-KOM-2001-10, Darmstadt University of Technology, May 2001. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Michael Zink and Carsten Griwodz and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Exploiting the Fair Share to Smoothly Transport Layered Encoded Video into Proxy Caches}},
institution = {Darmstadt University of Technology},
year = {2001},
number = {TR-KOM-2001-10},
month = may,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/ZGSS01-1.pdf}
[31] Martin Karsten, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Implementation and Evaluation of the KOM RSVP Engine. In Proceedings of the 20th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies (INFOCOM'01), Anchorage, USA, pages 1290--1299. IEEE, April 2001. ISBN 0-7803-7016-3. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Implementation and Evaluation of the KOM RSVP Engine}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th Annual Joint Conference of the {IEEE} Computer and Communications Societies ({INFOCOM}'01), Anchorage, USA},
year = {2001},
pages = {1290--1299},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = apr,
note = {ISBN 0-7803-7016-3},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/KSS01-1.pdf}
[30] Michael Zink, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Retransmission Scheduling in Layered Video Caches. Technical Report TR-KOM-2001-07, Darmstadt University of Technology, February 2001. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Michael Zink and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Retransmission Scheduling in Layered Video Caches}},
institution = {Darmstadt University of Technology},
year = {2001},
number = {TR-KOM-2001-07},
month = feb,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/ZSS01-1.pdf}
[29] Jens Schmitt, Martin Karsten, and Ralf Steinmetz. On the Aggregation of Guaranteed Service Flows. Computer Communications (Special Issue on QoS-Sensitive Network Applications and Systems), 24(1):2--18, January 2001. ISSN 0140-3664. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Martin Karsten and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{On the Aggregation of Guaranteed Service Flows}},
journal = {Computer Communications (Special Issue on QoS-Sensitive Network Applications and Systems)},
year = {2001},
volume = {24},
number = {1},
pages = {2--18},
month = jan,
note = {ISSN 0140-3664},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SKS01-1.pdf}
[28] Jens Schmitt, Martin Karsten, and Ralf Steinmetz. Layered Signalling - Motivation, Implementation & Measurements. In Proceedings of the 25th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN'00), pages 48--58. IEEE, November 2000. ISBN 0-7695-0912-6. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Martin Karsten and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Layered Signalling - Motivation, Implementation & Measurements}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 25th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN'00)},
year = {2000},
pages = {48--58},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = nov,
note = {ISBN 0-7695-0912-6},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SKS00-4.pdf}
[27] Jens Schmitt, Martin Karsten, and Ralf Steinmetz. Efficient Translation of Network Performance Parameters for Transport of IP Packets over Cell-Switched Subnetworks. In Proceedings of European Conference on Universal Multiservice Networks (ECUMN'00), Colmar, France, pages 142--150. IEEE, October 2000. ISBN 0-7803-6419-8. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Martin Karsten and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Efficient Translation of Network Performance Parameters for Transport of IP Packets over Cell-Switched Subnetworks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of European Conference on Universal Multiservice Networks (ECUMN'00), Colmar, France},
year = {2000},
pages = {142--150},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = oct,
note = {ISBN 0-7803-6419-8},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SKS00-3.pdf}
[26] Oliver Heckmann and Jens Schmitt. Multi-Period Resource Allocation at System Edges (MPRASE). Technical Report TR-KOM-2000-05, Darmstadt University of Technology, October 2000. [ ]
author = {Oliver Heckmann and Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Multi-Period Resource Allocation at System Edges (MPRASE)}},
institution = {Darmstadt University of Technology},
year = {2000},
number = {TR-KOM-2000-05},
month = oct
[25] Jens Schmitt. Heterogeneous Network Quality of Service Systems. PhD thesis, Darmstadt University of Technology, October 2000. [ ]
author = {Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Heterogeneous Network Quality of Service Systems}},
school = {Darmstadt University of Technology},
year = {2000},
month = oct
[24] Nicole Berier, Martin Karsten, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Mechanisms for QoS Signaling in a Mobile Internet Environment. In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Mobile Multimedia Communications (MoMuC'00), Tokyo, Japan, pages 4B.5.1--4B.5.6. IEEE, October 2000. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Nicole Berier and Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Mechanisms for QoS Signaling in a Mobile Internet Environment}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Mobile Multimedia Communications (MoMuC'00), Tokyo, Japan},
year = {2000},
pages = {4B.5.1--4B.5.6},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = oct,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/BKSS00-1.pdf}
[23] Martin Karsten, Jens Schmitt, Nicole Berier, and Ralf Steinmetz. On the Feasibility of RSVP as General Signalling Interface. In Proceedings of Quality of future Internet Services Workshop (QofIS 2000), Berlin, Germany, pages 105--116. Springer LNCS 1922, September 2000. ISBN 3-540-41076-7. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt and Nicole Berier and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{On the Feasibility of RSVP as General Signalling Interface}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Quality of future Internet Services Workshop (QofIS 2000), Berlin, Germany},
year = {2000},
pages = {105--116},
publisher = {Springer LNCS 1922},
month = sep,
note = {ISBN 3-540-41076-7},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/KSBS00-1.pdf}
[22] Martin Karsten, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. Generalizing RSVP's Traffic and Policy Control Interface. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'00), Iwate, Japan, pages 249--254. IEEE, USA, July 2000. ISBN 0-7695-0571-6. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Generalizing RSVP's Traffic and Policy Control Interface}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'00), Iwate, Japan},
year = {2000},
pages = {249--254},
publisher = {IEEE, USA},
month = jul,
note = {ISBN 0-7695-0571-6},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/KSS00-1.pdf}
[21] Jens Schmitt, Martin Karsten, and Ralf Steinmetz. Design and Implementation of a Flexible, QoS-Aware IP/ATM Adaptation Module. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing, Heidelberg, Germany, pages 267--274. IEEE, June 2000. ISBN 0-7803-5884-8. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Martin Karsten and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Design and Implementation of a Flexible, QoS-Aware IP/ATM Adaptation Module}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing, Heidelberg, Germany},
year = {2000},
pages = {267--274},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = jun,
note = {ISBN 0-7803-5884-8},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SKS00-2.pdf}
[20] Martin Karsten, Jens Schmitt, Burkhard Stiller, and Lars Wolf. Charging for Packet-Switched Network Communication - Motivation and Overview. Computer Communications, 23(3):290--302, February 2000. ISSN 0140-3664. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt and Burkhard Stiller and Lars Wolf},
title = {{Charging for Packet-Switched Network Communication - Motivation and Overview}},
journal = {Computer Communications},
year = {2000},
volume = {23},
number = {3},
pages = {290--302},
month = feb,
note = {ISSN 0140-3664},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/KSSW00-1.pdf}
[19] Martin Karsten, Nicole Berier, Jens Schmitt, and Ralf Steinmetz. TAND - Testbed for Advanced Networking Darmstadt. News Server (Scientific Computers), pages 37--39, January 2000. (Invited article). [ .pdf | ]
author = {Martin Karsten and Nicole Berier and Jens Schmitt and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{TAND - Testbed for Advanced Networking Darmstadt}},
journal = {News Server (Scientific Computers)},
year = {2000},
volume = {},
number = {},
pages = {37--39},
month = jan,
note = {(Invited article)},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/KBSS00-1.pdf}
[18] Jens Schmitt. A Flexible, QoS-Aware IP/ATM Adaptation Module. Technical Report TR-KOM-1999-06, Darmstadt University of Technology, December 1999. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt},
title = {{A Flexible, QoS-Aware IP/ATM Adaptation Module}},
institution = {Darmstadt University of Technology},
year = {1999},
number = {TR-KOM-1999-06},
month = dec,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/Schmitt99-1.pdf}
[17] Jens Schmitt, Lars Wolf, Martin Karsten, Ralf Steinmetz, Yann-Olivier Lorcy, and Christian Siebel. Shortcutting IP Flows over Large ATM Networks. In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on on ATM (ICATM'99), Colmar, France, pages 164--172. IEEE, June 1999. ISBN 0-7803-5428-1. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Lars Wolf and Martin Karsten and Ralf Steinmetz and Yann-Olivier Lorcy and Christian Siebel},
title = {{Shortcutting IP Flows over Large ATM Networks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on on ATM (ICATM'99), Colmar, France},
year = {1999},
pages = {164--172},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = jun,
note = {ISBN 0-7803-5428-1},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SWK+99-1.pdf}
[16] Martin Karsten, Jens Schmitt, Lars Wolf, and Ralf Steinmetz. Provider-Oriented Linear Price Calculation for Integrated Services. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS'99), London, UK, pages 174--183. IEEE, June 1999. ISBN 0-7803-5671-3. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt and Lars Wolf and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Provider-Oriented Linear Price Calculation for Integrated Services}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS'99), London, UK},
year = {1999},
pages = {174--183},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = jun,
note = {ISBN 0-7803-5671-3},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/KSWS99-2.pdf}
[15] Jens Schmitt, Martin Karsten, Lars Wolf, and Ralf Steinmetz. Aggregation of Guaranteed Service Flows. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS'99), London, UK, pages 147--155. IEEE, June 1999. ISBN 0-7803-5671-3. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Martin Karsten and Lars Wolf and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Aggregation of Guaranteed Service Flows}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS'99), London, UK},
year = {1999},
pages = {147--155},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = jun,
note = {ISBN 0-7803-5671-3},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SKWS99-1.pdf}
[14] Martin Karsten, Jens Schmitt, Lars Wolf, and Ralf Steinmetz. Cost and Price Calculation for Internet Integrated Services. In Tagungsband Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1999 (KiVS'99), Darmstadt, Germany, pages 46--57. Springer, March 1999. ISBN 3-540-65597-2. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt and Lars Wolf and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Cost and Price Calculation for Internet Integrated Services}},
booktitle = {Tagungsband Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 1999 (KiVS'99), Darmstadt, Germany},
year = {1999},
pages = {46--57},
publisher = {Springer},
month = mar,
note = {ISBN 3-540-65597-2},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/KSWS99-1.pdf}
[13] Jens Schmitt, Lars Wolf, Martin Karsten, and Ralf Steinmetz. VC Management for Heterogeneous QoS Multicast Transmissions. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Telecommunications Systems, Analysis and Modelling (ICTSM7), Nashville, USA, pages 105--125, March 1999. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Lars Wolf and Martin Karsten and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{VC Management for Heterogeneous QoS Multicast Transmissions}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Telecommunications Systems, Analysis and Modelling (ICTSM7), Nashville, USA},
year = {1999},
pages = {105--125},
month = mar,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SWKS99-2.pdf}
[12] Jens Schmitt, Lars Wolf, Martin Karsten, and Ralf Steinmetz. A Taxonomy of Interaction Models for Internet and ATM Quality of Service Architectures. Telecommunication Systems Journal (Special Issue on European Activities in Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services), 11(1-2):105--125, January 1999. ISSN 1018-4864. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Lars Wolf and Martin Karsten and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{A Taxonomy of Interaction Models for Internet and ATM Quality of Service Architectures}},
journal = {Telecommunication Systems Journal (Special Issue on European Activities in Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services)},
year = {1999},
volume = {11},
number = {1-2},
pages = {105--125},
month = jan,
note = {ISSN 1018-4864},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SWKS99-1.pdf}
[11] Martin Karsten, Jens Schmitt, Lars Wolf, and Ralf Steinmetz. Abrechnungsverfahren für paketvermittelte diensteintegrierende Kommunikationsnetze. Praxis in der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK), 21(4):211--218, December 1998. ISSN 0930-5157. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt and Lars Wolf and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Abrechnungsverfahren für paketvermittelte diensteintegrierende Kommunikationsnetze}},
journal = {Praxis in der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation (PIK)},
year = {1998},
volume = {21},
number = {4},
pages = {211--218},
month = dec,
note = {ISSN 0930-5157},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/KSWS98-2.pdf}
[10] Jens Schmitt. Aggregation of Guaranteed Service Flows. Technical Report TR-KOM-1998-06, Darmstadt University of Technology, November 1998. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt},
title = {{Aggregation of Guaranteed Service Flows}},
institution = {Darmstadt University of Technology},
year = {1998},
number = {TR-KOM-1998-06},
month = nov,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/Schmitt98-1.pdf}
[9] Jens Schmitt and Javier Antich. Issues in Overlaying RSVP and IP Multicast on ATM Networks. Technical Report TR-KOM-1998-03, Darmstadt University of Technology, July 1998. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Javier Antich},
title = {{Issues in Overlaying RSVP and IP Multicast on ATM Networks}},
institution = {Darmstadt University of Technology},
year = {1998},
number = {TR-KOM-1998-03},
month = jul,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SA98-1.pdf}
[8] Jens Schmitt and Javier Antich. Extended Traffic Control Interface for RSVP. Technical Report TR-KOM-1998-04, Darmstadt University of Technology, July 1998. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Javier Antich},
title = {{Extended Traffic Control Interface for RSVP}},
institution = {Darmstadt University of Technology},
year = {1998},
number = {TR-KOM-1998-04},
month = jul,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SA98-2.pdf}
[7] Jens Schmitt, Lars Wolf, Ralf Steinmetz, Yann-Olivier Lorcy, and Christian Siebel. Interaction Approaches for Internet and ATM QoS Architectures. In Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on ATM (ICATM'98), Colmar, France, pages 300--306. IEEE, June 1998. ISBN 0-7803-4982-2. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Lars Wolf and Ralf Steinmetz and Yann-Olivier Lorcy and Christian Siebel},
title = {{Interaction Approaches for Internet and ATM QoS Architectures}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on ATM (ICATM'98), Colmar, France},
year = {1998},
pages = {300--306},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = jun,
note = {ISBN 0-7803-4982-2},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SWS+98-1.pdf}
[6] Martin Karsten, Jens Schmitt, Lars Wolf, and Ralf Steinmetz. An Embedded Charging Approach for RSVP. In Proceedings of the 6th IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS'98), Napa, USA, pages 91--100. IEEE, May 1998. ISBN 0-7803-4482-0. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Martin Karsten and Jens Schmitt and Lars Wolf and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{An Embedded Charging Approach for RSVP}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Quality of Service (IWQoS'98), Napa, USA},
year = {1998},
pages = {91--100},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = may,
note = {ISBN 0-7803-4482-0},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/KSWS98-1.pdf}
[5] Jens Schmitt, Michael Zink, Lars Wolf, and Ralf Steinmetz. Quality of Service for Recording and Playback of MBone Sessions in Heterogeneous IP/ATM Networks. In Proceedings of Brodadband European Networks and Multimedia Services (SYBEN'98), Zürich, Switzerland, pages 374--383. SPIE, May 1998. ISBN 0-8194-2860-4. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Michael Zink and Lars Wolf and Ralf Steinmetz},
title = {{Quality of Service for Recording and Playback of MBone Sessions in Heterogeneous IP/ATM Networks}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Brodadband European Networks and Multimedia Services (SYBEN'98), Zürich, Switzerland},
year = {1998},
pages = {374--383},
publisher = {SPIE},
month = may,
note = {ISBN 0-8194-2860-4},
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SZWS98-1.pdf}
[4] Susanne Beiersdörfer, Jürgen Hesser, Jens Schmitt, Reinhard Männer, Andreas Schulz, and Jürgen Wolfrum. Search for Native Conformations of Organic Molecules by Genetic Algorithms. In Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE EUROMICRO Conference (Workshop on Computational Intelligence), Budapest, Hungary, pages 624--630. IEEE, September 1997. [ ]
author = {Susanne Beiersdörfer and Jürgen Hesser and Jens Schmitt and Reinhard Männer and Andreas Schulz and Jürgen Wolfrum},
title = {{Search for Native Conformations of Organic Molecules by Genetic Algorithms}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE EUROMICRO Conference (Workshop on Computational Intelligence), Budapest, Hungary},
year = {1997},
pages = {624--630},
publisher = {IEEE},
month = sep
[3] Jens Schmitt and Lars Wolf. Quality of Service - An Overview. Technical Report TR-KOM-1997-01, Darmstadt University of Technology, April 1997. [ .pdf | ]
author = {Jens Schmitt and Lars Wolf},
title = {{Quality of Service - An Overview}},
institution = {Darmstadt University of Technology},
year = {1997},
number = {TR-KOM-1997-01},
month = apr,
url = {https://disco.cs.rptu.de/downloads/publicationfiles/SW97-3.pdf}
[2] Susanne Beiersdörfer, Jens Schmitt, Markus Sauer, Stefan Siebert, Jürgen Hesser, Reinhard Männer, and Jürgen Wolfrum. Finding the Conformation of Organic Molecules with Genetic Algorithms. In Proceedings of Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN IV, International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Berlin, Germany, pages 972--981. Springer LNCS 1141, October 1996. ISBN 3-540-61723-X. [ ]
author = {Susanne Beiersdörfer and Jens Schmitt and Markus Sauer and Stefan Siebert and Jürgen Hesser and Reinhard Männer and Jürgen Wolfrum},
title = {{Finding the Conformation of Organic Molecules with Genetic Algorithms}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of Parallel Problem Solving from Nature - PPSN IV, International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, Berlin, Germany},
year = {1996},
pages = {972--981},
publisher = {Springer LNCS 1141},
month = oct,
note = {ISBN 3-540-61723-X}
[1] Susanne Beiersdörfer, Jürgen Hesser, Jens Schmitt, Andreas Schulz, Reinhard Männer, and Jürgen Wolfrum. Search for Conformation of Organic Molecules by Genetic Algorithms. In Proceedings of German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB'96), Leipzig, Germany, pages 165--167. Springer LNCS 1278, October 1996. ISBN 3-540-63370-7. [ ]
author = {Susanne Beiersdörfer and Jürgen Hesser and Jens Schmitt and Andreas Schulz and Reinhard Männer and Jürgen Wolfrum},
title = {{Search for Conformation of Organic Molecules by Genetic Algorithms}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of German Conference on Bioinformatics (GCB'96), Leipzig, Germany},
year = {1996},
pages = {165--167},
publisher = {Springer LNCS 1278},
month = oct,
note = {ISBN 3-540-63370-7}